String theory used to say there are 26 dimensions. When I was looking at the forty or so songs I had written about my thoughts on the nature of reality and our participation as conscious individuals operating within that reality, I knew I had too many songs to work with: so, as a bit of an inside joke I chose 26 as the specific number of songs appended to the end of my book. Here, in order, are all 26 of those songs. For the month of February I will be creating individual posts for each of those 26 songs, so that eventually you will be able to click on the name of each song listed below to be taken to a blog entry that shows multiple videos and a brief discussion of how each song fits into the Imagining the Tenth Dimension project. Or you can scroll further down below to see a single video for each of the songs.
Within the book, these songs are referenced as endnotes (with tiny little roman numerals) as you work your way through the text. In that sense, these songs also represent an expanding exploration of ideas, and a debate around the diverse concepts that are raised as a result of the way of visualizing reality that is shown in chapter one of the book or the tenth dimension animation. For those of you who do have the book, then, keeping this particular blog entry open as you work through the chapters gives you an easy way to hear the songs as you see them referenced.
Enjoy the journey!
Rob Bryanton
i. Everything Fits Together
ii. Seven Levels
iii. Burn the Candle Brightly
iv. The Unseen Eye
v. Automatic
vi. Connections
vii. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
viii. Big Bang to Entropy
ix. Senseless Violence
x. Addictive Personality
xi. The Anthropic Viewpoint
xii. The End of the World
xiii. Blind Faith
xiv. I Remember Flying
xv. What Was Done Today
xvi. Turquoise and White
xvii. Change and Renewal
xviii. From the Corner of My Eye
xix. Positive Vibes
xx. Hang a Left at the Lights
xxi. Making It Up as I Go
xxii. Insidious Trends
xxiii. Secret Societies
xxiv. See No Future
xxv. What I Feel For You
xxvi. Thankful
i. Everything Fits Together
A direct link to this video is at
ii. Seven Levels
A direct link to this video is at
iii. Burn the Candle Brightly
A direct link to this video is at
iv. The Unseen Eye
A direct link to this video is at
v. Automatic
A direct link to this video is at
vi. Connections
A direct link to this video is at
vii. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
A direct link to this video is at
viii. Big Bang to Entropy
A direct link to this video is at
ix. Senseless Violence
A direct link to this video is at
x.Addictive Personality
A direct link to this video is at
xi.The Anthropic Viewpoint
A direct link to this video is at
xii.The End of the World
A direct link to this video is at
xiii.Blind Faith
A direct link to this video is at
xiv.I Remember Flying
A direct link to this video is at
xv.What Was Done Today
A direct link to this video is at
xvi.Turquoise and White
A direct link to this video is at
xvii.Change and Renewal
A direct link to this video is at
xviii.From the Corner of My Eye
A direct link to this video is at
xix.Positive Vibes
A direct link to this video is at
xx.Hang a Left at the Lights
A direct link to this video is at
xxi.Making It Up as I Go
A direct link to this video is at
xxii.Insidious Trends
A direct link to this video is at
xxiii.Secret Societies
A direct link to this video is at
xxiv.See No Future
A direct link to this video is at
xxv.What I Feel For You
A direct link to this video is at
xxvi. Thankful
A direct link to this video is at
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tenth Dimension - 26 Songs
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
8:41 PM
Labels: 26 songs, tenth dimension
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A link to this video can be found at
In the last few months I've talked a lot about the David Deutsch team at Oxford, who in September 2007 published a proof equating the probabilistic outcomes that occur at the quantum level with the branching timelines that occur as a result of choice and chance at the macro level. I've talked about how we can imagine our 4D line of time as having branches that occur from time to time when important "cusps" occur, and that the image we could hold in our minds is like a dandelion gone to seed, with the observed line of time proceeding from moment to moment being the stalk, and the blossom at the head being where the upcoming branching set of choices are presented to us.
At the quantum level, then, that "dandelion head" of available choices is really occurring every unit of planck time, and we are traveling down our line of time with those choices being selected for us without our conscious participation. We've talked in this blog before about Dr. Schrödinger’s poor old cat, simultaneously alive and dead until an observer opens the box and finds out whether an atomic particle has decayed or not: and most people would agree that the probabilistic outcome that happens in this thought experiment is not influenced by the hopes or free will of the person opening the box. In other words, the particle decays or doesn't decay, and it appears that we witness one or the other quantum outcome regardless of the good wishes or animosity we bear towards that darn cat.
At the macro level, most of our day is the same way: out of the unimaginably large number of outcomes that are taking place down at the quantum level, there are some that are more likely because of what has come before, and some occasional much more significant outcomes that take reality off into some new tangent. Likewise, we don't actively involve ourselves in deciding for the most part about the reality around us, because it is happening automatically without any conscious decision-making on our part: walls remain solid, gravity remains constant, objects at rest tend to stay where they are, and so on.
But even in a universe where no active choices are made by anyone or anything, we will still end up with worldlines that resemble the images in this blog: there will be uneventful long straight lines of no surprising change, there will be sections of noisy chaotic turbulence, there will be occasional bifurcations, there will be important cusps where a lot of new possible outcomes suddenly become available. Tracing along any one line in these images, following the twists and turns that our perceived worldline happens to take, then, is like the one particular reality we end up experiencing out of all the possible realities that could have existed.
Taking any one of those paths, then, is what moves us along the line of time, and this process is happening at both the quantum and macro levels one planck length at a time after another.
Here's an important key: because the quantum and macro level are really going through the same processes of probabilistic outcome (as per the Oxford team's proof described above), branches to new states at the quantum level affect the macro level, and changes at the macro level affect the quantum level. Can we, as macro physical creatures, consciously choose outcomes at the quantum level? No, because that's not the scale we operate at. But choices deliberately made at the macro level change things at the quantum level, because it's really all the same continuum, just being viewed at different scales.
This is why it makes sense to talk about our physical reality in the same terms as our quantum reality, and this is where we find how free will fits into this picture: because at both levels there are choices that are happening whether we choose, or whether someone else chooses for us, or even if we make no choice and random chance and probability chooses for us.
With this project, I have portrayed those branches as being in our "probability space" in the fifth dimension. The pictures in this blog show us a visualization that gives us a hint of how beautiful and intricate those bush-like branching patterns of choice and chance could be: imagine, for instance, that each of these pictures represents someone's life. "Here's the time I almost got hit by a drunk driver, here's the time I almost went to med school but changed my mind, here's where I got married, here's where the planes hit the towers", and so on. A person's life, when viewed from down here in the fourth dimension, ends up travelling down only one of those available lines at each junction, but it's always fun to play the "what if" game and imagine the other outcomes that choice and chance might have presented.
What we're looking at in these images is a visualization tool, and of course Imagining the Tenth Dimension owes much of its popularity to its eleven minute animation, a visualization tool that gives people a way to imagine ten dimensions. But here's something interesting: the three images we are looking at here are really all pictures of the same thing. They are the map of the connections within this very blog.
They were generated by a website which has been around for a while, called "Websites as graphs". Even more interesting, I think, is what you will see if you click on this link:
generate tenthdimension blog as graph
as you will then be able to watch an animated image somewhat similar to the ones in this entry being generated in real time, tracking all of the connections to this blog and its nearly one hundred other entries that have been created over the past year since its launch. You can also click on Create the Graph of Any Other Website on that page, and it will ask you for a URL. If you have a couple of minutes, give it one of the big sites like Amazon or AOL and watch all of the connections being drawn.
This all connects to the higher dimensional thinking we've been playing with here, exploring how ideas are connected together across space and time, and how higher-dimensional patterns are what created the universe we live in and the preference for one reality over another from within the multiverse of all possible universes. What we're playing with are creative visualizations of the nature of reality, and whether you believe there is nothing above the fourth dimension of spacetime, or whether you believe the fifth dimension and above are part of a Calabi-Yau manifold, or that all of the particles in our 4D universe are derived from an E8 rotation, there are ways that visualization tools can help us to imagine what would otherwise be unimaginable.
And my way of visualizing the dimensions is just another way of doing that very thing.
Enjoy the journey,
Rob Bryanton
PS: If you go to my blog entry The Google Suggestions Time Capsule Project you will see that I am continuing to update the list of Google Suggestions that I am keeping track of there.
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
9:06 AM
Labels: cusps, E8, Schrödinger's cat, visualizations
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Infinity and the Boltzmann Brains
A link to this video can be found at
Last week, in an entry called "Google, Memes, and Randomness" we talked about how something as complex as our universe and the multiverse of other universes really could spring from randomness. Now, here's a link to a fascinating article in yesterday's New York Times:
This article includes a reference to the Boltzmann Brains conundrum: an idea that ties very nicely to some of the ideas we explore regularly in this blog. Let me try to sum up Boltzmann's idea: by the time we're imagining a fabric that includes every possible expression of matter and energy, that must mean there are many expressions which are not complete universes, but rather just fragmentary bits of order, and those fragmentary bits could be observed by something approximating a mind within each fragmentary universe. The disturbing idea this leads to is that within the multiverse of all possible universes there could be all these "brains" floating around (not physical brains of course, but this startling image helps to make the idea stick in our minds). This is all discussed in the above article, which also touches on some of the more metaphysical ramifications of all this.
To be clear, the Boltzmann Brain scenario is similar to the tale of Schrödinger’s Cat: it was originally offered as an extreme example of the absurd conclusions that might be drawn from applying quantum thinking to the macro world. The idea does have more power, though, when we accept the proof offered by a team of scientists at Oxford equating quantum probability states with our macro-world's probability states. Is it really such a great leap to imagine there could be organized systems representing an "observer" in many of those other universes within the infinite set of all possible universes?
Infinity or Infinities?
We keep returning to the concept of infinity with this project: some people like to think of infinity as being only one thing, and therefore they jump to the conclusion that I'm talking nonsense when my way of visualizing the dimensions uses phrases like "draw a line to yet another infinity". Here's a simple example of the same concept: the numbers following the sequence 1,2,3,4,5... extend out to infinity. But let's take any two of those numbers, 1 and 2 for instance: how many numbers are there between 1 and 2? There's 1.1, there's 1.2, there's 1.75689425... there are an infinite set of numbers between 1 and 2. Finding different ways to get to infinity is what this is all about: and as Michel from Norway recently reminded me in the tenth dimension forum, "two parallel lines meet at infinity".
Thinking of infinity as being the unobserved fabric of quantum indeterminacy shows a way to imagine how all those infinities connect together, and the parallel universes resulting from choice, chance and circumstance for our universe (as infinite as those branches appear to be) is still just one more subset of all the possible expressions of matter and energy, memes and spimes that we're playing with here.
Here's another way to describe the dimensions, which acknowledges that every single dimension extends out to its own version of infinity:
0 - a point of indeterminate size
In this way of imagining, 0 and 10 are very similar concepts - both are of indeterminate size. The common practice of referring to "0" as infinitely small isn't really correct then: a point on a graph can be any size we care to imagine it being because its size is not relevant, just its location. And to be clear, 0 is not a dimension, it's just where we start our description.
1 - a line created by a certain set of "points", extending to infinity
Start with a point, add a second point, join them together with a line. The line you have drawn is a line segment with those two points as its endpoints, but that line can be extended out in either direction to infinity
2 - a plane created by a certain set of 1D lines, extending to infinity
Draw a second line. As long as the second line is not directly on top of the first, those two lines are now part of an infinite plane that passes through those two lines.
3 - a space created by a certain set of 2D planes, extending to infinity
Any two planes that are not directly on top of each other become part of an infinite 3D space that passes through those two planes.
4 - a line created be a certain set of "3D points", extending to infinity
So 3 is our 3-dimensional space. What would "not directly on top of each other" be for 3D space? It would be 3D space in a different state. Look at your watch: let's call whatever time you see at the instant you looked "now", or the universe in one state, and we'll call that a point. Three o'clock tomorrow afternoon is another state, and we'll call that our second point. Joining those two points creates a line segment, and the ends of that line can be extended back to the Big Bang and forward to the end of the universe.
But as I've said many times here, the big bang is an illusion, it's better to think of it the way physicist Seth Lloyd describes it - the first binary yes/no that separates a particular universe out from the indeterminate background. So the fourth dimension can be thought of as a line that extends to infinity in either direction, and the big bang is just a point on that line, same with the "end" of the universe.
5 - a plane created by a certain set of 4D timelines, extending to infinity
5 is our "probability space", or "spacetime tree" as some have described it in the tenth dimension forum. The "bush-like branching structure" of the David Deutsch team's recent proof is equivalent to this, which means this occurs at both the quantum and the macro level. So: take one timeline that could extend forward or back from this moment (this "now", as we called it), then think of another alternate version that could also occur from that same "now", and those two lines define an infinite plane that passes through any versions of our spacetime that are logically consistent with our current "now".
6 - a space created by a certain set of 5D planes, extending to infinity
Stay with me now: the spacetime tree for our particular "now" doesn't include a version of the universe where it's 2008 and Kurt Cobain is still alive. That would be a different fifth-dimensional "plane". Imagining that other "Kurt alive" plane along with the "Kurt dead" plane that we find ourselves to be in, then, is the same conceptual leap as imagining one 2D plane and another different 2D plane, and extrapolating how 3D space is derived from that.
Why do we say "certain set of timeline branches", then? Here's why: the version of the 6th dimension that our current timeline is/must be part of is still constrained by the basic physical laws that are unique to our universe. No amount of choice, chance, and circumstance, at either the quantum or the macro level, moves us to a universe where the laws are different, and that is what we mean by a "certain set" of timelines in this context.
Could there be more than one version of the big bang that this infinite observed/unobserved sixth-dimensional structure passes through on its way out to infinity? Certainly, but only to the extent that there are always random fluctuations, quantum outcomes, small decisions made that in the big picture do not affect things for our overall universe to the point that its existence is no longer possible. But the 6th dimension, like the other dimensions, is an infinity. That infinity encompasses all the possible "beginnings" and "endings" for our particular universe, and it includes all of the possible paths that are not available to us from our current position in spacetime but which are still constrained by our basic physical laws. The idea proposed by physicists like John Wheeler of "reverse fine tuning" of our universe through quantum observation was discussed in my blog entry "Boredom and Consciousness", and this gives us a way to imagine how our current universe really could have multiple slightly-different-versions of the Big Bang within its 6D space.
7 - a line created be a certain set of "6D points", extending to infinity
Take the 6th dimensional structure we've just imagined, that is a point in the seventh dimension. Take the structure representing all possible outcomes for some other universe that has different basic physical laws, that is a different point in the seventh dimension. The line that passes through those two points extends to infinity in either direction.
8 - a plane created by a certain set of 7D lines, extending to infinity
Now think of the seventh dimensional line that passes through the point representing our universe, and the point representing another universe where the value for gravity is different. That line extends out to infinity in either direction, but it doesn't pass through universes where some other constant varies. To get to the infinite plane that passes through those two different lines takes us to the 8th dimension.
9 - a space created by a certain set of 8D planes, extending to infinity
The 9th dimension is the way you get from one of those planes we've just imagined to another, and the space that passes through those planes may not, as I've said many time before, be able to actually express any physical realities itself - at that point we are dealing only with the "information" side of the "information equals reality" concept. But once again, there is a timeless unobserved infinity that this 9th dimension stretches out to. Imagining the 9th dimension, then, as being filled with "Boltzmann Brains", each being an observer of some fragmentary organized bit of information/reality, is what the above New York Times article is referring to. In my book and this project, I have preferred to imagine the 9th dimension as being the place where "big picture memes" are found: organized patterns that have the potential to generate one kind of reality over another in the dimensions below.
10 - 9D as a point of indeterminate size, everything as potential only
Ten, then is the infinite unobserved quantum fabric. Attempting to observe any aspect of this collapses us into some or all of the dimensions below.
Our poll question ending soon is about Google and the way it has changed the way we interact wth information. If Information Equals Reality, then that is a very big question indeed for all of us as Boltzmann Brains floating in our perceived reality.
Enjoy the journey,
Rob Bryanton
PS Two other blog entries that work through a way to imagine our hierarchy of dimensions are "You Can't Get There From Here" and "How to Make a Universe". Now, for fun, here's a new video created by Ryan Hill, for my song "Big Bang to Entropy".
A link to this video can be found at
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
12:05 PM
Labels: Boltzmann Brains, indeterminacy, multiverse, Schrödinger's cat, tenth dimension
Friday, January 11, 2008
Tenth Dimension TagCrowd
This is the one year anniversary of the Imagining the Tenth Dimension blog, which had its first entry on January 12th, 2007. In the past year we've talked about a lot of things: one of the through-lines has been memes, and how our reality is defined by what can thought of as multi-dimensional shapes or patterns. Whether you think of those shapes as a Calabi-Yau manifold, or an E8 rotation, or the visualization tool that I've come up with here, you are still trying to envision how it all fits together from out of the background of timelessness and indeterminacy that quantum physics tells us our reality springs from.
Speaking of visualization tools, a couple of days ago I came across a nice site called TagCrowd. This is a free service. You give it a website URL, an uploaded file, or just some pasted text, and it generates a tag cloud based upon the number of occurrences of words within whatever was submitted. For fun, I fed it all of the eighty-some blog entries I've published here in the first year. The TagCrowd site, created by Daniel Steinbock, then gives you html code released under a Creative Commons license, which generates the image you see pasted below. This, of course, is different from the label cloud at the head of this blog, because that cloud is generated by my conscious decisions on whether or not to label a particular concept from a particular blog entry. The tag cloud below, on the other hand, is a more direct representation of how often I have used certain words in my explorations surrounding this project in the past year. I thought the result was pretty interesting, hope you do too: and thank you to the millions of people around the world who have watched the animation and visited the tenth dimension website!
Enjoy the journey,
Rob Bryanton
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
7:17 AM
Labels: tagclouds, visualizations
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Google, Memes and Randomness
A link to this video can be found at
Can you remember what life was like before Google? That's what this week's poll question is about:
2008 is the Tenth Anniversary of Google, our world's premium meme-tracker. How would you say Google has changed the way you interact with the information that is our reality?As you can see, I am using language related to this project to ask a question whose answer might seem obvious to some, but the question is an important one: by the time information becomes so much easier to access, are we in danger of becoming a world of skimmers, flitting along the top peaks but rarely immersing ourselves in the deep valleys of that information?
- Better, more immersive
- Worse, more superficial
- No change from 10 years ago
Google helps us to settle questions that ten years ago might have been the source of endless debate, and surely debate can be a healthy exercise in the exploration of ideas. But the conversation-stopping moments that used to happen ("When was Paul McCartney born?" "Hmm, I used to know that, guess that brain cell's no longer kickin' in. No wait, was it... umm..." "Oh well, never mind...") have been replaced with a few deftly chosen keywords into the Google Search window and the answer is there for our perusal in 0.14 seconds.
But we're talking about much more than rock star trivia here. In fact, we're talking about all aspects of human knowledge, being revved up and churned through and exchanged at rates that would have been unfathomable a decade ago. In "Tens, Google, and the Expanding Universe" we played with ideas surrounding the expanding sea of information that Google gives us access to, and the interesting coincidence that 2008 is the tenth anniversary of both Google and the discovery that our universe's expansion is accelerating.
Order from Randomness
Starting from the quantum mechanics idea of Information Equals Reality, I have been talking about a random set of patterns encoded into the underlying quantum fabric of our reality, and how that randomness works as a satisfactory starting point for imagining the complexity of the universe we're in right now. Randomness is really not the interesting part of the story, though: what is interesting is that true randomness has to have pockets of order, parts where one state is preferred over another, and those pockets of order will have places where they begin and places where they end. Flipping a coin one hundred times will not give you endlessly repeating heads/tails/heads/tails outcomes, nor will it give you 50 heads outcomes followed by 50 tails outcomes, even though statistically speaking that is what we would expect our overall totals to be very near for such an exercise. Likewise, if the unobserved whole of quantum indeterminacy that our universe came from is truly random, then there must be pockets of grouping within that randomness. Calling those pockets the "big-picture memes" that caused our universe to be the one selected out of a multiverse of other universes is an idea I've been promoting... for more about the patterns that begin and end being what creates our probabilistic reality, please refer to my blog entries called "Everything" and "You Can't Get There From Here".
This leads us back to Google, and the thing that Google is so good at: keeping track of the memes of all shapes, sizes and durations that are part of the Information that is our Reality: memes are patterns in the information, and memes tend to rise and fall over time. In my last blog entry I talked about the Search Bar here at the top of my browser: if I type a single letter in I am immediately presented with 10 or so Suggestions, which tells me these are some of the memes that are most active at this moment for our culture. If I were to make note of the Suggestions that came up today, then perform the same check a week from now, a month from now, a year from now, and so on, what would I see? There would be some Suggestions that continue to be the same, and there would be some that were short-lived. Keeping a record of these lists would be like a mini time-capsule, and of course there are a number of efforts under way around the net to capture records like these so that we will be able to analyze and compare the changes that have happened in our Googleverse of information from years past and over the years to come as the web continues to develop.
I'm a Spime (and so are you)
Something as simple as writing down the 26 top Suggestions corresponding to the 26 letters of the alphabet gives us a rudimentary way to track some of the memes that rise and fall, and the shapes that would be created by the duration for a certain Suggestion over months or years is conceptually similar to the "long undulating snake" or Long Body we are imagining as ourselves across the fourth dimension, with our embryonic self at one and and our deceased self at the other. This also relates to the concept of Spimes that Bruce Sterling has been using to refer to physical objects that have been tracked so that they now have a defined and recallable shape across space and time.
How can we tell if a meme or a spime is the result of randomness, or deliberate manipulation? Whether or not you believe the patterns that created our universe are the result of randomness or the deliberate manipulation by a higher power, they are patterns nonetheless. The patterns of information that sustain across a period of time continue to be operated upon by other patterns in the future, and this concept is very connected to what Richard Dawkins is talking about with his description of the randomness that creates life and evolution: once something is no longer being acted upon by these processes, it ceases to have any further change.
Tracking the Changes
Which leads, finally, to one of my favorite phrases for this project: "that which ceases to change ceases to exist". Whether you are talking about the formation of our universe, the beginning of life, or the memes that rise and fall and Google helps us to track, that concept applies. Genes, memes, and spimes: each is a shape or a pattern across space and time. Those that cease to exist cannot be operated upon by patterns in the information that is our reality from that moment forward. Those that continue to exist can be combined together or modified, sometimes in ways that are improvements that allow them to continue in time still further for even more editing and manipulation, and sometimes in ways that will soon cause them to cease to exist: which is how a sea of information becomes a universe, how a primitive chemical reaction becomes a human being, and how a simple idea can become known throughout the world.
Enjoy the journey,
Rob Bryanton
PS: June 18 1942. But you probably already googled that if you were interested, didn't you? To finish this entry, a new video for one of the 26 songs from this project. This is about the dancing patterns of information that create our reality: "From the Corner of My Eye".
A link to this video can be found at
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
6:17 PM
Labels: genes, Googleverse, memes, Paul McCartney, Richard Dawkins, spimes
Sunday, January 6, 2008
The Google Suggestions Time Capsule Project
A direct link to this video is at
Our poll question this week is about google as meme-tracker. Memes rise and fall over time, so tracking those memes over time gives you a fourth-dimensional shape that shows how ideas have risen and fallen in prominence within our culture. I've talked before (in my entry Tens, Google and the Expanding Universe) about Google's battle with spammers and scammers trying to vault their particular site to the top of Google's search results, which is part of the feedback loop that becomes Google's awesome responsibility: because once something becomes a top search result, it is more likely to stay there for a while.
The Search Bar at the top of browsers like Firefox and IE now provides instant feedback as soon as you type a single letter, no pushing of the Enter key required. Right now it's Sunday morning, January 6, 2008. I am going to list the 26 top recommendations associated with the 26 letters of the alphabet for me right now. Try this one yourself when you read this blog entry in the days, weeks, months, or years to come... how much has the googleverse of top memes changed since the moment I wrote these entries down? What hasn't changed at all? Please write back with your own lists for future dates, particularly if you detect a noteworthy change.
Sunday, January 6 2008, 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, john lewis, kohls, limewire, myspace, next, orkut, paypal, qvc, redtube, sears, target, utube, verizon, wikipedia, xtube, youtube, zoey zane.
Sunday, January 13 2008, 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list.
Sunday, January 20 2008, 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
amazon, BEBO, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JANUARY 1ST TCP IP, KELLY BLUE BOOK, limewire, myspace, NFL, orkut, PHOTOBUCKET, QUOTES, RUNESCAPE, sears, target, utube, verizon, wikipedia, XBOX 360, youtube, ZIP CODES
January 31 2008 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, HOTMAIL.COM, ikea, JUNO, kelly blue book, limewire, myspace, nfl, orkut, PAYPAL, QVC, runescape, SOUTHWEST AIRLINES, target, UPS, verizon, wikipedia, XBox 360, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, February 3 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
Sunday, February 10 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
Sunday, February 17 2008 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
Sunday, February 24 2008 10 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
Sunday, March 2 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, HOTMAIL, IMDB, JOHN LEWIS, kelly blue book, LUNAR ECLIPSE, myspace, NETFLIX, OBAMA, PHOTOBUCKET, QUOTES, runescape, SEARS, target, UTUBE, VALENTINE'S DAY, wikipedia, XBox 360, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, March 9 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
Sunday, March 16 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
Sunday, March 23 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
March 28 2008 5 pm CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GMAIL, hotmail, imdb, john lewis, kelly blue book, LIMEWIRE, myspace, NEXT, ORKUT, photobucket, QVC, runescape, sears, target, utube, VERIZON, wikipedia, XBox 360, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, March 30 2008 5 pm CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
Sunday, April 6 2008 7 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
Sunday, Apr 13 2008 10 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada:
no changes from previous list
Sunday, Apr 20 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, Apr 27 2008 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
May 2 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, john lewis, kelly blue book, LOWES, myspace, next, orkut, photobucket, qvc, runescape, sears, target, utube, VERIZON WIRELESS, wikipedia, XBox 360, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, May 4 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, May 11 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, May 18 2008 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, May 25 2008 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, June 1 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, JOBS, kelly blue book, lowes, myspace, next, orkut, photobucket, qvc, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, XBOX, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, June 8 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, June 15 2008 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, June 22 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, June 29 2008 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, July 6 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
Sunday, July 13 2008 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, JOHN LEWIS, kelly blue book, lowes, myspace, next, orkut, photobucket, qvc, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, xbox, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, July 20 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, July 28 2008 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, john lewis, kelly blue book, LIMEWIRE, myspace, next, orkut, photobucket, qvc, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, xbox, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, August 3 2008 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, JET BLUE, kelly blue book, limewire, myspace, next, orkut, photobucket, qvc, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, xbox, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, August 10 2008 9am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, JOHN LEWIS, kelly blue book, limewire, myspace, next, OLYMPICS, photobucket, qvc, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, xbox, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, August 17 2008 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, john lewis, kelly blue book, limewire, myspace, next, ORKUT, photobucket, qvc, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, xbox, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, August 24 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, August 31 2008 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, john lewis, kelly blue book, limewire, myspace, NBC OLYMPICS, OLYMPICS, photobucket, qvc, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, xbox, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, September 7 2008 5 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, john lewis, kelly blue book, limewire, myspace, nbc olympics, olympics, photobucket, QUOTES, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, xbox, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, September 14 2008 7 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, September 21 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, September 28 2008 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, October 5 2008 7 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, October 12 2008 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday, October 19 2008 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list (this is the longest time span without a change since we started tracking at the beginning of 2008)
Sunday, October 26 2008 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list (and this is an even longer timespan. What gives? Has Google abandoned any further updates to this function? How can "nbc olympics" still be showing up as the top suggestion for the letter n, for instance, when the Olympic Games were finished two months ago?)
Sunday, November 2 2008 7 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
(Finally an update - with the US election happening in two days, these additions are long overdue but not surprising)
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IMDB, JOHN MCCAIN, kelly blue book, limewire, myspace, NEXT, OBAMA, photobucket, quotes, runescape, SARAH PALIN, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, X FACTOR, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, November 9 2008 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, imdb, JENNIFER HUDSON, kelly blue book, limewire, myspace, next, obama, photobucket, quotes, runescape, sarah palin, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, x factor, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, November 16 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bebo, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, jennifer hudson, KOHLS, LOWES, myspace, next, obama, photobucket, quotes, runescape, sarah palin, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, x factor, youtube, zip codes
Sunday, November 30 2008 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, jennifer hudson, kohls, lowes, myspace, NFL, obama, photobucket, quotes, runescape, SEARS, target, utube, verizon wireless, wikipedia, XBOX 360, youtube, ZAPPOS
Sunday, December 7 2008 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday December 14 2008 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, jennifer hudson, kohls, lowes, myspace, nfl, obama, photobucket, QUANTUM OF SOLACE, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, WALMART, xbox 360, youtube, zappos
Sunday December 21 2008 4 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, JCPENNEY, kohls, lowes, myspace, NETFLIX, ORKUT, photobucket, QUOTES, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, WALMART, xbox 360, youtube, zappos
Sunday December 28 2008 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday January 4 2009 7 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, myspace, NFL, OBAMA, photobucket, quotes, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox 360, youtube, zappos
Sunday January 11 2009 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday January 18 2009 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday January 25 2009 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday February 1 2009, 6 pm CST, Minneapolis Minnesota
no changes from previous list
Sunday February 8 2009, 3 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday February 15 2009, 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
(this is now six weeks since this list was changed, the previous record for no changes was seven weeks)
Sunday February 22 2009 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, myspace, NETFLIX, ORKUT, photobucket, quotes, runescape, sears, target, utube, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox 360, youtube, zappos
Sunday March 1 2009 7 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday March 8 2009 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday March 15 2009 4 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday March 22 2009 7 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday March 29 2009 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
(Aha! It appears Google has finally made these suggestions more geographically specific to my region! Note all the new changes,the majority of these new entries would not come up at the top in other regions, I'm sure.)
AIR CANADA, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GMAIL, hotmail, IKEA, JOB BANK, KIJIJI, LIMEWIRE, MAPQUEST, NHL, OPRAH, PLENTY OF FISH, quotes, ROGERS, sears, TELUS, utube, VIA RAIL, walmart, XBOX, youtube, ZELLERS
Sunday April 5 2009 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday April 12 2009 10 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday April 19 2009 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday April 26 2009 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday May 3 2009 9 am CST, Edmonton, Alberta Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, job bank, kijiji, LOTTO 649, mapquest, nhl, OLG, plenty of fish, quotes, rogers, sears, TWITTER, utube, via rail, WEATHER NETWORK, XE, youtube, zellers
Sunday May 10 2009 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday May 18 2009 5 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
(Hmm, what a strange collection of changes. Most of this appears to be a return to the American-dominated list we were seeing previously, but then what's the Australian airline Qantas doing here? And what's OLG, the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation doing here? Also worthy of note, this is the first time in well over a year that "utube" was not the response for "u".)
Sunday May 24 2009 3 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, CENTRELINK, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, irs, jcpenney, kohls, LIMEWIRE, myspace, netflix, OPTUS, photobucket, QUOTES,, southwest airlines, TICKETEK, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XE, youtube, zillow
(Another active week, with a few more surprises. Centrelink is an Australian government agency, Optus is an Australian telecommunications company, and Ticketet is an Australian event ticket seller. Why would these show up on this list while all of the Canadian-oriented responses we've been seeing since the end of March are still missing in action? Very odd. Makes me wonder if these updates are more real time now, perhaps I'm seeing Australian responses because it's late afternoon in Australia at the moment?)
Sunday May 24 2009 10 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, CRAIGSLIST, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, irs, jcpenney, kohls, LOWES, myspace, NHL, OLG, photobucket, quotes, ROGERS, southwest airlines, TARGET, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XM RADIO, youtube, zillow
(Okay, the plot thickens! Seven hours later and the Australian responses are gone. It appears, then that Google is now trying to make these recommendations more - dare I say it - Twitter-like? Or could they be rotating these results over a twenty-four cycle? Hmm.)
Saturday May 30 09 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, irs, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, myspace, NETFLIX, olf, photobucket, QANTAS, REALTOR.COM, southwest airlines, TICKETET, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XTUBE, youtube, ZELLERS
Sunday June 7 09 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
AIR CANADA, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, irs, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, ORBITZ, photobucket, QUOTES,, southwest airlines, TWITTER, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XBOX 360, youtube, ZILLOW
Sunday June 14 09 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
AMAZON, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, orbitz, photobucket, quotes,, southwest airlines, TARGET, usps, verizon wireless, WEATHER NETWORK, XE, youtube, ZOO WEEKLY
Sunday June 21 09 10 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IRS, jcpenney, KMART, LIMEWIRE, myspace, netflix, orbitz, photobucket, quotes,, southwest airlines, TWITTER, UTUBE, VIA RAIL, WALMART, XM RADIO, youtube, ZILLOW
Sunday June 28 09 10 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
AIR CANADA, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, jcpenney, KIJIJI, LOTTO 649, myspace, netflix, OLG, PLENTY OF FISH, quotes, ROGERS, SEARS, TARGET, USPS, VERIZON WIRELESS, walmart, xm radio, youtube, ZELLERS
Sunday July 5 2009 10 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
AMAZON, best buy, CRAIGSLIST, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, jcpenney, KOHLS, lotto 649, myspace, netflix, ORBITZ, PACIFIC BLUE, quotes, REALTOR.COM, SOUTHWEST AIRLINES, target, usps, VIA RAIL, walmart, xm radio, youtube, ZILLOW
Sunday July 12 2009 9 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IRS, JOB BANK, kohls, LOWES, myspace, netflix, orbitz, PHOTOBUCKET, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, VERIZON WIRELESS, walmart, xm radio, youtube, zillow
Sunday July 19 2009 10 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, CRAIGSLIST, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, irs, JC PENNEY, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, orbitz, photobucket, quotes,, southwest airlines, TICKETET, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XE, youtube, zillow
Sunday July 26 2009 10 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, jc penney, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, orbitz, PLENTY OF FISH, quotes,, southwest airlines, TWITTER, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XE, youtube, ZOO WEEKLY
Sunday August 2 2009 11:30 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
AIR CANADA, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, JOB BANK, KIJIJI, LOTTO 649, MAPQUEST, NHL, OLG, plenty of fish, quotes, ROGERS, SEARS, twitter, UTUBE, VIA RAIL, WEATHER NETWORK, xe, youtube, ZELLERS
Sunday August 9 2009 11:30 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
Sunday August 16 2009 11:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list (first time this has happened since May 10 09!)
Sunday August 23 2009 10:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday August 30 2009 10:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday September 6 2009 10:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday September 13 2009 10:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday September 20 2009 9:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IMDB, JET BLUE, kohls, lowes, MAPQUEST, netflix, OLD NAVY, PANDORA, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xm radio, youtube, zillow
Sunday September 27 2009 9:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday October 4 2009 10:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday October 11 2009 5:00 am CST, Minot North Dakota USA
no changes from previous list
Sunday October 18 2009 10:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday October 25 2009 9:00 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday November 8 2009 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, BANK OF AMERICA, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, jet blue, kohls, lowes, MYSPACE, netflix, ORBITZ, pandora, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xm radio, youtube, zillow
Sunday November 15 2009 7 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday November 22 2009 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, DICTIONARY.COM, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IMDB, jet blue, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, OFFICE DEPOT, pandora, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xm radio, youtube, zillow
Sunday November 29 2009 4 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday December 6 2009 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday December 13 2009 8 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist,, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, jet blue, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, office depot, pandora, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xm radio, youtube, zillow
Sunday December 20 2009 7 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist,, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, JCPENNEY, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, office depot, pandora, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xm radio, youtube, zillow
Sunday January 3 2010 11 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist,, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, office depot, pandora, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XBOX 360, youtube, zillow
Sunday January 10 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist,, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IMDB, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, office depot, pandora, QVC,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XBOX 360, youtube, zillow
Sunday January 17 2010 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday January 24 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, DICTIONARY, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, office depot, pandora, qvc,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox 360, youtube, zillow
Sunday January 31 2010 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday February 7 2010 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday February 14 2010 12 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday February 21 2010 6 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday February 28 2010 2 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, office depot, pandora, QUOTES,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox 360, youtube, zillow
Sunday March 7 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday March 14 2010 3 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday March 21 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, JET BLUE, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, office depot, pandora, QUOTES,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox 360, youtube, zillow
Sunday March 28 2010 4 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday April 4 2010 12 am MDT, North Dakota, USA
no changes from previous list
Sunday April 11 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday April 18 2010 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, jet blue, KELLY BLUE BOOK, lowes, myspace, netflix, office depot, pandora, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox 360, youtube, zillow
Sunday April 25 2010 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday May 2 2010 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday May 9 2010 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday May 16 2010 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BANK OF AMERICA, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, jet blue, KOHLS, lowes, myspace, netflix, OLYMPICS, pandora, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XM RADIO, youtube, zillow
Sunday May 23 2010 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday May 30 2010 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday June 6 2010 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday June 20 2010 4 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ITUNES, jet blue, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, ORBITZ, pandora, quotes,, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xm radio, youtube, zillow
Sunday June 27 2010 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday July 4 2010 11 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday July 11 2010 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday July 18 2010 9 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, jet blue, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, orbitz, pandora, quotes,, SEARS, target, usps, verizon wireless, WEATHER, XBOX, youtube, zillow
Sunday July 25 2010 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday August 1 2010 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday August 8 2010 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bestbuy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, jet blue, kohls, lowes, myspace, netflix, orbitz, pandora, quotes, REI, sears, target, usps, VERIZON, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday August 15 2010 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday August 22 2010 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday August 29 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday September 12 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bestbuy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, jet blue, kohls, lowes, MAPQUEST, netflix, orbitz, pandora, quotes, rei, sears, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday September 19 2010 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday September 26 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday October 3 2010 10 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday October 10 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday October 17 2010 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday October 24 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BANK OF AMERICA, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, JCPENNEY, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, orbitz, pandora, quotes, REALTOR, SKYPE, target, usps, VERIZON WIRELESS, weather, xbox, youtube, ZAPPOS
Sunday October 31 2010 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday November 7 2010 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday November 14 2010 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday November 21 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday November 28 2010 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday December 5 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday December 12 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday December 19 2010 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, OLD NAVY, pandora, quotes, RATE MY PROFESSOR, skype, target, usps, verizon wireless, WALMART, xbox, youtube, zappos
Sunday December 26 2010 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday January 2 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday January 9 2011 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ikea, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, QVC, rate my professor, SEARS, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox, youtube, zappos
Sunday January 16 2011 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday January 23 2011 10 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, ITUNES, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, rate my professor, sears, target, usps, VERIZON, walmart, xbox, youtube, zappos
Sunday January 30 2011 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday February 6 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday February 13 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, itunes, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, rate my professor, sears, target, usps, VERIZON WIRELESS, walmart, xbox, youtube, zappos
Sunday February 20 2011 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, itunes, JET BLUE, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, QWOP, REI, sears, target, usps, VERIZON, walmart, xbox, youtube, zappos
Sunday February 27 2011 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday March 6 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, itunes, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qwop, rei, sears, target, usps, verizon, WEATHER, xbox, youtube, zappos
Sunday March 13 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday March 20 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GOOGLE, HULU, itunes, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qwop, rei, SKYPE, target, usps, verizon, WEATHER, xbox, youtube, zappos
Sunday March 27 2011 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
no changes from previous list
Sunday April 3 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, HOTMAIL, itunes, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qwop, rei, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zappos
Sunday April 10 2011 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IRS, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, QUOTES, REBECCA BLACK, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zappos
Sunday April 17 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, irs, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quotes, rebecca black, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, ZILLOW
Sunday April 24 2011 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list.
Sunday May 1 2011 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, irs, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quotes, ROYAL WEDDING, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday May 8 2011 9 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, irs, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quotes, REBECCA BLACK, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday May 15 2011 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday May 22 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday May 29 2011 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BANK OF AMERICA, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GMAIL, HULU, irs, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, ORBITZ, pandora, quotes, REDBOX, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday June 5 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 12 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hulu, irs, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, orbitz, pandora, quotes, REBECCA BLACK, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday June 19 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 26 2011 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 3 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, HOTMAIL, IMDB, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, orbitz, pandora, quotes, REDBOX, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday July 10 2011 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 17 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 24 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 31 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, orbitz, pandora, QVC, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday August 7 2011 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 14 2011 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 21 2011 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 28 2011 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday September 4 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, orbitz, pandora, qvc, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday September 11 2011 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday September 18 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BANK OF AMERICA, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IMDB, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, orbitz, pandora, qvc, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday September 25 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday October 2 2011 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, orbitz, pandora, qvc, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 16 2011 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IKEA, jet blue, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, OLD NAVY, pandora, qvc, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 30 2011 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BANK OF AMERICA, craigslist, dictionary, ESPN, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IPHONE 5, JCPENNEY, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, skype, target, usps, VERIZON WIRELESS, weather, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday November 6 2011 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 13 2011 7 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, gmail, hotmail, iphone 5, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, QUOTES, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon wireless, WALMART, xbox, youtube, zillow
Sunday November 20 2011 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ESPN 3, facebook, gmail, hotmail, iphone 5, jcpenney, KINDLE FIRE, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quotes, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, X FACTOR, youtube, zillow
Sunday November 27 2011 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ESPN, facebook, gmail, hotmail, iphone 5, jcpenney, KOHLS, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quotes, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, X FACTOR, youtube, zillow
Sunday December 4 2011 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, CYBER MONDAY DEALS, dictionary, espn, facebook, gmail, hotmail, iphone 5, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quotes, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, x factor, youtube, zillow
Sunday December 11 2011 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, CRAIGSLIST, dictionary, espn, facebook, gmail, hotmail, iphone 5, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quotes, redbox, skype, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, x factor, youtube, zillow
Sunday December 18 2011 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday December 25 2011 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, gmail, hotmail, iphone 5, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, QVC, redbox, SEARS, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, x factor, youtube, zillow
Sunday January 1 2012 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 8 2012 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 15 2012 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, gmail, hotmail, iphone 5, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, sears, target, usps, VERNON DAVIS, walmart, x factor, youtube, zillow
Sunday January 22 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, IMDB, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, sears, target, usps, VERIZON WIRELESS, walmart, x factor, youtube, zillow
Sunday January 29 2012 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday February 5 2012 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday February 12 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, PINTEREST, QUOTES, redbox, sears, target, usps, VERIZON WIRELESS, walmart, x factor, youtube, zillow
Sunday February 19 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday February 26 2012 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday March 4 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, quotes, redbox, SOUTHWEST AIRLINES, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, x factor, youtube, zillow
Sunday March 11 2012 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday March 18 2012 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday March 25 2012 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 1 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, quotes, redbox, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XBOX LIVE, youtube, zillow
Sunday April 8 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 15 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 22 2012 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 29 2012 11 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
best buy, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb,
jcpenney, KAYAK, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, QVC, redbox, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless,
walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday May 6 2012 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday May 13 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BANK OF AMERICA, craigslist, dictionary, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb,
jcpenney, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc,
redbox, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless,
walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday May 20 2012 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ESPN, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb,
jcpenney, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc,
redbox, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless,
walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday May 27 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 3 2012 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 10 2012 4 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 17 2012 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 24 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 1 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, GMAIL, hotmail, imdb,
jcpenney, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc,
redbox, southwest airlines, target, usps, verizon wireless,
walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday July 8 2012 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 15 2012 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Saturday August 4 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan Canada
Sunday August 26 2012 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday September 2 2012 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, OLYMPICS, pinterest, qvc, redbox, southwest airlines, target, united airlines, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
(interesting, the XXX Olympics in London ran from July 27th to August 12th, but it took until 3 weeks later than that for them to show up here)
Sunday September 9 2012 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday September 16 2012 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday September 23 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday October 7 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IPHONE 5, jcpenney, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, olympics, pinterest, qvc, redbox, SKYPE, target, united airlines, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 14 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ESPN, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IMDB, jcpenney, KOHLS, lowes, mapquest, netflix, olympics, pinterest, qvc, redbox, skype, target, united airlines, VERIZON, walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 21 2012 1 am CST
No changes from previous list
Sunday October 28 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, OLD NAVY, pinterest, qvc, redbox, skype, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday November 4 2012 3 am CST
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 11 2012 6 am CST
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 18 2012 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, espn, facebook, gmail, hotmail, imdb, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc, redbox, skype, target, united airlines, VERIZON WIRELESS, walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday November 25 2012 6 am CST
No changes from previous list
Sunday December 2 2012 12 am CST
No changes from previous list
Sunday December 9 2012 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist, dictionary, EBAY, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc, redbox, SOUTHWEST AIRLINES, target, united airlines, verizon wireless, walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday December 16 2012 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IPHONE 5, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc, redbox, SEARS, target, USPS, verizon wireless, walmart, X FACTOR, youtube, zillow
Sunday December 23 2012 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc, redbox, sears, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, x factor, youtube, zillow
Sunday December 30 2012 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 6 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 13 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, PANDORA, qvc, redbox, sears, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, x factor, youtube, zillow
Sunday January 20 2013 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 27 2013 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday February 3 2013 10 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday February 10 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, sears, target, usps, verizon wireless, walmart, XBOX LIVE, youtube, zillow
Sunday February 17 2013 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday February 24 2013 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday March 3 2013 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday March 10 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, sears, target, usps, VERIZON, walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday March 17 2013 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday March 23 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JETBLUE, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, sears, target, usps, verizon, walmart, xbox live, youtube, zillow
Sunday March 31 2013 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 6 2013 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JENNIFER LAWRENCE, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, sears, target, usps, verizon, walmart, XBOX 720, youtube, zillow
Sunday April 13 2013 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 20 2013 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BANK OF AMERICA, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jennifer lawrence, KAYAK, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, SOUTHWEST, target, usps, verizon, walmart, XBOX 720, youtube, zillow
Sunday May 5 2013 2 am EDT, London, Ontario, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jennifer lawrence, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, QUIZLET, redbox, southwest, target, UNITED AIRLINES, verizon, walmart, xbox 720, youtube, zillow
Sunday May 12 2013 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday May19 2013 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JODI ARIAS, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quizlet, redbox, southwest, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xbox 720, youtube, zillow
Sunday May26 2013 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jodi arias, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quizlet, redbox, southwest, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, XBOX ONE, youtube, zillow
Sunday June 2 2013 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jodi arias, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quizlet, redbox, southwest, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, XBOX 720, youtube, zillow
Sunday June 9 2013 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 16 2013 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 23 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jodi arias, KOHLS, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quizlet, redbox, southwest, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, XFINITY, youtube, zillow
Sunday June 30 2013 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 7 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jodi arias, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, QVC, redbox, southwest, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xfinity, youtube, zillow
Sunday July 14 2013 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 21 2013 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GMAIL, hotmail, instagram, jodi arias, KAYAK, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, southwest, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xfinity, youtube, zillow
Sunday July 28 2013 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 4 2013 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 11 2013 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jodi arias, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, southwest, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, XBOX ONE, youtube, zillow
Sunday August 18 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 25 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, instagram, jodi arias, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, southwest, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zillow
Sunday September 1 2013 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday September 15 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GMAIL, hotmail, instagram, JETBLUE, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, southwest, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zillow
Sunday September 22 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jetblue, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, qvc, redbox, SOUTHWEST AIRLINES, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zillow
Sunday September 29 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday October 6 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jetblue, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, PINTEREST, qvc, redbox, southwest airlines, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, XFINITY, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 13 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, FOX NEWS, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jetblue, kayak, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc, redbox, southwest airlines, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xfinity, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 20 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, fox news, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jetblue, KOHLS, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc, redbox, southwest airlines, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xfinity, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 27 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, FACEBOOK, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JCPENNEY, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, qvc, redbox, southwest airlines, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xfinity, youtube, zillow
Sunday November 3 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 10 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 17 2013 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, QUIZLET, redbox, southwest airlines, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xfinity, youtube, zillow
Sunday November 24 2013 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday December 1 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, bank of america, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jcpenney, kohls, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, quizlet, redbox, southwest airlines, target, united airlines, VERIZON WIRELESS, walmart, xfinity, youtube, zillow
Sunday December 8 2013 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jcpenney, KOHL'S, LINKEDIN, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, quizlet, redbox, southwest airlines, target, united airlines, VERIZON, walmart, XBOX ONE, youtube, zillow
Sunday December 15 2013 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday December 22 2013 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday December 29 2013 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 5 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 12 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jcpenney, kohl's, LOWES, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pinterest, quizlet, redbox, southwest airlines, target, united airlines, verizon, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zillow
Sunday January 19 2014 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 26 2014 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JETBLUE, kohl's, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, PANDORA, quizlet, redbox, SEARS, target, UPS TRACKING, verizon, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zillow
Sunday February 2 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday February 9 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday February 16 2014 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday February 23 2014 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JUSTIN BIEBER, kohl's, lowes, mapquest, netflix, old navy, pandora, quizlet, redbox, sears, target, ups tracking, verizon, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zillow
Sunday March 2 2014 3 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday March 9 2014 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
AIR CANADA, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, justin bieber, KIJIJI, LINKEDIN, MAPS, netflix, OUTLOOK, PROJECT FREE TV, QUOTES, RBC, STAPLES, TRANSLATE, URBAN DICTIONARY, VIA RAIL, walmart, xbox one, youtube, ZARA
(a similar kind of change happened back in March to August 2009, where Google is making these results more specific to my country again. Interesting that it has taken so long for them to return to this idea.)
Sunday March 16 2014 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, justin bieber, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, project free tv, quotes, rbc, staples, translate, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, XS CARGO, youtube, zara
Sunday March 23 2014 4 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday March 30 2014 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, justin bieber, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, project free tv, QUINOA, rbc, staples, translate, UNITED AIRLINES, via rail, walmart, XBMC, youtube, zara
Sunday April 6 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 13 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 20 2014 2 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, justin bieber, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, project free tv, quinoa, rbc, SCOTIABANK, translate, URBAN DICTIONARY, via rail, walmart, XBMC, youtube, zara
Sunday April 27 2014 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday May 4 2014 9 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday May 11 2014 3 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday May 18 2014 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JOB BANK, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, project free tv, QUOTES, rbc, scotiabank, translate, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday May 24 2014 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 1 2014 3 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 8 2014 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 15 2014 8 am CST, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 22 2014 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday June 29 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 6 2014 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 13 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday July 20 2014 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list (the previous record for longest number of weeks without a change was 7, in October 2008. At 9 weeks and counting here , this is definitely worthy of note).
Sunday July 27 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, project free tv, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, translate, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, XS CARGO, youtube, zara
Sunday August 3 2014 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 10 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 17 2014 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 24 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday August 31 2014 9 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday September 7 2014 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, PINTEREST, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, translate, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, xs cargo, youtube, zara
Sunday September 14 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday September 21 2014 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday September 28 2014 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, IPHONE 6, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, TWITTER, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, xs cargo, youtube, zara
(The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were launched on September 19 2014. Nine days later it's the new top search term for the letter "i", indicating that this list is fairly responsive to changes right now.)
Sunday October 5 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday October 12 2014 8 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday October 19 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday October 26 2014 11 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 2 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 9 2014 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 16 2014 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 23 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday November 30 2014 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, TWITTER, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, XBMC, youtube, zara
Sunday December 7 2014 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JIAN GHOMESHI, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, twitter, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday December 14 2014 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, COSTCO, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jian ghomeshi, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, twitter, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday December 21 2014 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday December 28 2014 10 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 4 2015 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 11 2015 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday January 18 2015 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON, best buy, costco, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jian ghomeshi, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUIZLET, rbc, scotiabank, twitter, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday January 25 2015 6 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, costco, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jian ghomeshi, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, twitter, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday February 1 2015 5 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, costco, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jian ghomeshi, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, twitter, UFC 183, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday February 8 2015 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, costco, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jian ghomeshi, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, twitter, URBAN DICTIONARY, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday February 15 2015 8 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jian ghomeshi, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, twitter, urban dictionary, VALENTINE'S DAY, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday February 22 2015 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
AIR CANADA, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jian ghomeshi, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUOTES, rbc, STAPLES, twitter, urban dictionary, VIA RAIL, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday March 1 2015 1 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, jian ghomeshi, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quotes, rbc, staples, THE DRESS, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday March 8 2015 9 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JOB BANK, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quotes, rbc, staples, TWITTER, urban dictionary, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday March 15 2015 4 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday March 22 2015 8 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quotes, rbc, staples, twitter, URBAN OUTFITTERS, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday March 29 2015 11 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
air canada, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quotes, rbc, SCOTIABANK, twitter, urban outfitters, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday April 5 2015 10 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 12 2015 1 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday April 19 2015 10 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON, best buy, CRAIGSLIST, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, instagram, JONATHAN CROMBIE, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUOKKA, rbc, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, URBAN DICTIONARY, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday April 26 2015 10 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BRUCE JENNER, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JARED LETO, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUINOA, rbc, scotiabank, translate, urban dictionary, VANCOUVER CANUCKS, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday May 3 2015 10 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JOB BANK, kijiji, linkedin, MAYWEATHER, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUEEN ELIZABETH, ROYAL BABY, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, VIA RAIL, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday May 10 2015 11 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, MAPS, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUIZLET, RBC, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday May 17 2015 4 pm CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list
Sunday May 24 2015 12 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JOSH DUGGAR, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, via rail, walmart, xbmc, youtube, zara
Sunday May 31 2015 7 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
AIR CANADA, best buy, craigslist, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JOB BANK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, via rail, walmart, XPLORNET, youtube, zara
Sunday June 14 2015 3 am CST, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, dictionary, ebay, facebook, GMAIL, hotmail, instagram, JURASSIC WORLD, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, via rail, walmart, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday June 21 2015 11 pm EST, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JOB BANK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, translate, US OPEN, VANCOUVER WEATHER, walmart, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday June 28 2015 9 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, walmart, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday July 5 2015 4 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
No changes from previous list.
Sunday July 12 2015 10 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, PAN AM GAMES, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC 189, vancouver weather, WEATHER, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday July 19 2015 5 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, outlook, PINTEREST, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, WEATHER, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday July 26 2015 7 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quizlet, rbc, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 2 2015 9 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUENTIN MILLER, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC 190, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 9 2015 12 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quentin miller, RONDA ROUSEY, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 16 2015 8 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CHRIS HYNDMAN, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JENNIFER ANISTON, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUIZLET, RBC, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 23 2015 11 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, CANADIAN TIRE, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JOB BANK, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUOTES, rbc, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 30 2015 7 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, VIRGINIA SHOOTING, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday September 6 2015 7 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, dictionary, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, QUOTEV, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, XFEST, youtube, zara
Sunday September 13 2015 9 am CST, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
amazon, best buy, CRAIGSLIST, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, JETBLUE, KAYAK, LOWES, MAPQUEST, netflix, OLD NAVY, pinterest, QVC, REDBOX, SOUTHWEST, TARGET, UPS TRACKING, VERIZON, weather, XMOVIES8, youtube, ZILLOW
Sunday September 13 2015 10 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BAGUETTE, canadian tire, DARWIN BARNEY, ebay, facebook, gmail, hotmail, instagram, job bank, kijiji, LINKED IN, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, QUEEN ELIZABETH PARK, rbc, scotiabank, translate, US OPEN, vancouver weather, weather, XMOVIES8, youtube, zara
Sunday September 20 2015 7 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, IMDB, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OLG, PIZZA HUT, QUOTES, RUBY ROSE, scotiabank, translate, URBAN DICTIONARY, vancouver weather, WALMART, XBOX ONE, youtube, ZILLOW
Sunday September 27 2015 5 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, IMDB, JURASSIC WORLD, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OLG, PINTEREST, QUOTES, RUBY ROSE, scotiabank, TORONTO BLUE JAYS, UFC, VOLKSWAGEN, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 4 2015 8 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, DEMI LOVATO, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, imdb, jurassic world, kijiji, LOWES, maps, netflix, ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK, pinterest, quotes, ruby rose, scotiabank, THESAURUS, ufc, vancouver weather, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 11 2015 7 am EDT, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, OUTLOOK, pinterest, quotes, ruby rose, scotiabank, thesaurus, URBAN DICTIONARY, vancouver weather, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zillow
Sunday October 18 2015 6 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, DROPBOX, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, kijiji, LAMAR ODOM, maps, netflix, outlook, pinterest, QUANTICO, RBC, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, walmart, xbox one, youtube, ZARA
Sunday October 25 2015 5 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin trudeau, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, QUOTES, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC, VALUE VILLAGE, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday November 1 2015 2 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin trudeau, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, QUANTICO, rbc, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, value village, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday November 8 2015 8 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quantico, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC, VANCOUVER WEATHER, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday November 15 2015 12 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, CNN, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ISIS, justin bieber, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PARIS, quantico, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC 193, VIRGIN MOBILE, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday November 22 2015 4 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, CANADIAN TIRE, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JESSICA JONES, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, olg, PINTEREST, quantico, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC, virgin mobile, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday November 29 2015 3 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, jessica jones, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quantico, rbc, scotiabank, THE BAY, URBAN OUTFITTERS, VICTORIA SECRET, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday December 6 2015 11 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, jessica jones, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PIZZA HUT, quantico, rbc, scotiabank, the bay, UFC, VANCOUVER WEATHER, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday December 13 2015 5 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JOSE ALDO, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pizza hut, quantico, rbc, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, UFC 194, vancouver weather, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday December 20 2015 4 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pizza hut, quantico, ROGERS, STAR WARS, translate, UFC, vancouver weather, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday December 27 2015 12 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DYNAMITE, EB GAMES, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PINTEREST, quantico, rogers, STEAM, THE BAY, URBAN OUTFITTERS, VISIONS, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday January 3rd, 2016 4 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, DOMINOS, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quantico, RBC, STEVEN AVERY, TRANSLATE, UFC 195, VIA RAIL, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday January 10th, 2016 9 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin bieber, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, olg, POWERBALL, quantico, rbc, steven avery, TORONTO WEATHER, USD TO CAD, via rail, WEATHER, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday January 17th, 2016 3 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, olg, PINTEREST, quantico, rbc, SCOTIABANK, TRANSLATE, UFC, VIEWS FROM THE SIX, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday January 24th, 2016 10 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin trudeau, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quantico, rbc, scotiabank, translate, ufc, VIRGIN MOBILE, weather, X FILES, youtube, zara
Sunday January 31st, 2016 6 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DRAKE SUMMER SIXTEEN, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JOHN SCOTT, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quantico, rbc, SUMMER SIXTEEN, translate, ufc, VIA RAIL, WALMART, XBOX ONE, youtube, ZIKA VIRUS
Sunday February 7th, 2016 12 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quantico, rbc, SCOTIABANK, translate, ufc, VANCOUVER WEATHER, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zika virus
Sunday February 14th, 2016 5 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DEADPOOL, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin trudeau, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quantico, rbc, scotiabank, TORONTO WEATHER, ufc, vancouver weather, WEATHER, xbox one, youtube, ZOOLANDER 2
Saturday March 5th, 2016 2 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JOEY FEEK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OJ SIMPSON, pinterest, QUOTES, rbc, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, ufc, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, ZOOTOPIA
Saturday March 12th, 2016 12 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, ZIKA VIRUS
Saturday March 19th, 2016 1 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, RBC ONLINE, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zika virus
Saturday March 26th, 2016 10 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DEADPOOL, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin bieber, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zika virus
Saturday April 2nd, 2016 9 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, deadpool, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JOHN STAMOS, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, translate, UFC, vancouver weather, weather, X FILES, youtube, zika virus
Saturday April 9th, 2016 8 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, deadpool, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, VIA RAIL, weather, x files, youtube, zika virus
Saturday April 16th, 2016 11 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, deadpool, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin bieber, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, QUANTUM COMPUTING, RAPTORS, scotiabank, translate, UFC, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, x files, youtube, zika virus
Saturday April 23rd, 2016 11 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, deadpool, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin bieber, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PRINCE, QUEEN ELIZABETH, RBC, SLITHERIO, translate, ufc, vancouver weather, WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, x files, youtube, zika virus
Saturday April 30th, 2016 11 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DRAKE, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin bieber, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PINTEREST, QUOTES, RAPTORS, slitherio, translate, USD TO CAD, VIEWS FROM THE 6, WEATHER, x files, youtube, zika virus
Saturday May 7th, 2016 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DEADPOOL, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, justin bieber, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, raptors, SCOTIABANK, translate, usd to cad, VIA RAIL, weather, x files, youtube, zika virus
Saturday May 14th, 2016 10:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, deadpool, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, justin bieber, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, raptors, scotiabank, translate, UFC, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, x files, youtube, zika virus
Saturday May 21st, 2016 7:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, deadpool, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, weather, x files, youtube, zika virus
Sunday May 29th, 2016 6:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JOHNNY DEPP, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, OLD NAVY, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, XMEN, youtube, zika virus
Saturday June 4th, 2016 9:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, johnny depp, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, MUHAMMED ALI, netflix, OLG, pinterest, quotes, rbc, SLITHERIO, translate, usd to cad, VIA RAIL, weather, XBOX ONE, youtube, ZOOTOPIA
Saturday June 25th, 2016 10:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BREXIT, canadian tire, donald trump, EURO 2016, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JADEN SMITH, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, rbc, SCOTIABANK, translate, usd to cad, VANCOUVER CANUCKS, weather, XE, youtube, zootopia
Saturday July 2nd, 2016 10:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, CANADA DAY, donald trump, euro 2016, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, OTTAWA WEATHER, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, TSN, usd to cad, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, XBOX, youtube, zootopia
Saturday July 9th, 2016 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, CANADIAN TIRE, DALLAS, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JON JONES, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, OUTLOOK, POKEMON GO, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, UFC 200, vancouver weather, weather, XBOX ONE, youtube, zootopia
Sunday July 17th, 2016 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OLG, pokemon go, QANDEEL BALOCH, RAPTORS, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zootopia
Sunday July 24th, 2016 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JUSTICE LEAGUE, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, POKEVISION, QUOTES, raptors, scotiabank, translate, UFC, VIRGIN MOBILE, weather, xbox one, youtube, ZARA
Sunday July 31st, 2016 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JASON BOURNE, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, olg, pokevision, quotes, RBC ONLINE, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Saturday August 6th, 2016 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JADEN SMITH, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OLYMPICS, PINTEREST, quotes, rbc online, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Saturday August 13th, 2016 9:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JOSEPH SCHOOLING, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olympics, PENNY OLEKSIAK, quotes, rbc online, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday August 21st, 2016 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olympics, POKEMON GO, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, TRAGICALLY HIP, UFC 202, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday August 28th, 2016 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, justin bieber, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OLG, pokemon go, QUANTICO, rbc, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, UFC, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday September 4th, 2016 2:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BOSTON PIZZA, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IPHONE 7, JYSK, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, OFFICE 365, pokemon go, QUOTES, RBC, scotiabank, translate, ufc, VIRGIN MOBILE, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday September 11th, 2016 8:00 am EST, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, iphone 7, JADEN SMITH, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OLG, pokemon go, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC 203, virgin mobile, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday September 18th, 2016 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JOE FRESH, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pokemon go, QUANTICO, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC, VANCOUVER WEATHER, WORLD CUP OF HOCKEY, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday September 25th, 2016 1:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JOSE FERNANDEZ, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pokemon go, QUOTES, rbc, scotiabank, translate, UFC, VANCOUVER WEATHER, WEATHER, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday October 2nd, 2016 2:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JAYS, kijiji, LUKE CAGE, maps, netflix, olg, pokemon go, quotes, RYDER CUP, scotiabank, TRUMP, ufc, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday October 9th, 2016 11:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JOY, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, olg, pokemon go, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, trump, UFC 204, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday October 16th, 2016 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JIM PRENTICE, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pokemon go, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, trump, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday October 23rd, 2016 2:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUST EAT, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pokemon go, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, trump, USD TO CAD, VALUE VILLAGE, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday October 30th, 2016 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PUMPKIN CARVING, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, value village, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday November 6th, 2016 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, jysk, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, olg, PRINCESS MARGARET, QUEEN ELIZABETH, rbc, scotiabank, trump, US ELECTION, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday November 13th, 2016 9:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, jysk, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, olg, princess margaret, queen elizabeth, rbc, scotiabank, trump, UFC 205, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday November 20th, 2016 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PINTEREST, queen elizabeth, rbc, scotiabank, THE BAY, UFC, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday November 27th, 2016 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON CANADA, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, kijiji, LULULEMON, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, queen elizabeth, rbc, SEPHORA, the bay, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, WALMART, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday December 4th, 2016 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, J COLE, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, QUICK DRAW, rbc, SCOTIABANK, the bay, UFC, vancouver weather, WALMART, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday December 11th, 2016 7:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JOE FRESH, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, OUTLOOK, pinterest, QUOTES, rbc, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, UFC 206, vancouver weather, WEATHER, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday December 18th, 2016 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JUST EAT, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, WEATHER, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday December 25th, 2016 9:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CARRIE FISHER, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JOE FRESH, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, MERRY CHRISTMAS, NORAD, olg, pinterest, quotes, rbc, SANTA TRACKER, TIS THE SEASON, usd to cad, vancouver weather, WALMART, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday January 1st, 2017 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, LINKEDIN, MARIAH CAREY, NETFLIX, olg, PIZZA HUT, QUEEN ELIZABETH, rbc, SEPHORA, TRANSLATE, usd to cad, vancouver weather, walmart, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday January 8th, 2017 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JYSK, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, olg, PINTEREST, queen elizabeth, rbc, SANDFORD FLEMING, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, WEATHER, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday January 15th, 2017 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JOHN LEWIS, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, queen elizabeth, rbc, SCOTIABANK, TRUMP, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday January 22nd, 2017 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IVANKA TRUMP, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PIZZA HUT, QUEEN VICTORIA, rbc, SPLIT, trump, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday January 29th, 2017 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JOHN HURT, kijiji, LUNAR NEW YEAR, maps, netflix, olg, PINTEREST, QUEEN ELIZABETH, RIVERDALE, SCOTIABANK, trump, UFC, VSCO, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday February 5th, 2017 3:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, queen elizabeth, ROB STEWART, scotiabank, trump, USD TO CAD, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday February 12th, 2017 9:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JOHN WICK 2, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OTTAWA WEATHER, pinterest, queen elizabeth, RBC, SNL, trump, UFC 208, VALENTINES DAY, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday February 19th, 2017 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, john wick 2, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, queen elizabeth, rbc, SCOTIABANK, trump, USD TO CAD, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday February 26th, 2017 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, john wick 2, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OSCARS 2017, pinterest, queen elizabeth, rbc, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday March 5th, 2017 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JOHN ROSS, kijiji, LOGAN, maps, netflix, OLG, PAYPAL, QUOTES, rbc, scotiabank, trump, UFC 209, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday March 12th, 2017 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INDEED, JYSK, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, OUTLOOK, paypal, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, trump, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday March 19th, 2017 9:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CHUCK BERRY, DRAKE MORE LIFE, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IRON FIST, JOHN DOE, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, MORE LIFE, netflix, OLG, PINTEREST, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, XAVIER WOODS, youtube, zara
Sunday March 26th, 2017 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JUSTICE LEAGUE, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, XBOX ONE, youtube, zara
Sunday April 2nd, 2017 1:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JUNO AWARDS, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, RICK AND MORTY SEASON 3, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday April 9th, 2017 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JAYS SCORE, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, MARY PICKFORD, NHL, olg, pinterest, quotes, RBC, SYRIA, TRANSLATE, usd to cad, VIMY RIDGE, weather, xbox one, youtube, zara
Sunday April 16th, 2017 12:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, jays score, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, nhl, OILERS, pinterest, quotes, RAPTORS, SCOTIABANK, translate, usd to cad, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xbox one, youtube, ZACK KASSIAN
Sunday April 23, 2017 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ERIN MORAN, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, NHL PLAYOFFS, OILERS, pinterest, quotes, raptors, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, XPLORNET, youtube, ZARA
Sunday April 30, 2017 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JA RULE, kijiji, lotto max, maps, NHL, OTTAWA SENATORS, pinterest, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, ZARA
Sunday May 7, 2017 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JYSK, KENTUCKY DERBY, lotto max, maps, nhl, OILERS, pinterest, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, XBOX ONE, youtube, zara
Sunday May 14, 2017 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, jysk, KIJIJI, lotto max, maps, NETFLIX, OTTAWA SENATORS, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, TRUMP, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, XPLORNET, youtube, zara
Sunday May 21, 2017 2:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JAMES MATTHEWS, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, VICTORIA DAY, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday May 28, 2017 3:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
ANDREW SCHEER, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, HOME DEPOT, instagram, JARED KUSHNER, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, RAMADAN 2017, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday June 4, 2017 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON, BBC NEWS, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, HOTMAIL, instagram, JOSEPHINE BAKER, kijiji, LONDON BRIDGE, maps, netflix, olg, pinterest, QMJHL DRAFT, REAL MADRID, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, vancouver weather, WONDER WOMAN, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday June 11, 2017 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
ADAM WEST, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, donald trump, E3, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JAKE PAUL, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OUTLOOK, pinterest, QATAR, RBC, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, vancouver weather, WEATHER, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday June 18, 2017 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON, BILL COSBY, canadian tire, donald trump, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, QUEEN ELIZABETH, RBC, scotiabank, TORONTO WEATHER, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday June 25, 2017 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INDEED, JYSK, kijiji, linkedin, maps, netflix, OTTAWA WEATHER, PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, QUOTES, rbc, scotiabank, TRUMP, usd to cad, VIA RAIL, weather, XE, youtube, zara
Sunday July 2, 2017 12:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, CANADA DAY, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INTERAC, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, ottawa weather, PINTEREST, QUEEN ELIZABETH, rbc, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, VANCOUVER CANUCKS, weather, XPLORNET, youtube, zara
Sunday July 9, 2017 9:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, CANADIAN TIRE, DRIVE BC, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JAMES HARDEN, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OMAR KHADR, pinterest, QUOTES, rbc, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, usd to cad, VIA RAIL, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday July 16, 2017 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, CANADIAN TIRE, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, TRUMP, usd to cad, VENUS WILLIAMS, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday July 23, 2017 9:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, canadian tire, DUNKIRK, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JOHN HEARD, kijiji, LINKIN PARK, maps, netflix, OZARK, pinterest, quotes, rbc, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, VALERIAN, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday July 30, 2017 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JON JONES, kijiji, LA MACHINE, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, quotes, RICK AND MORTY SEASON 3, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, VIA RAIL, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 6, 2017 3:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JUSTIN GATLIN, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 13, 2017 12:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OTTAWA WEATHER, pinterest, quotes, ROGERS CUP, scotiabank, trump, usd to cad, VIRGINIA, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 20, 2017 9:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, donald trump, ECLIPSE 2017 CANADA, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JAKE PAUL, kijiji, LINKEDIN, maps, netflix, OLG, pinterest, quotes, RBC, SOLAR ECLIPSE 2017, trump, usd to cad, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 27, 2017 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CONOR MCGREGOR, donald trump, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JULIAN EDELEMAN, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, MAYWEATHER, netflix, olg, PIZZA HUT, quotes, RICH PIANA, SCOTIABANK, trump, UFC, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday September 3, 2017 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, netflix, olg, pizza hut, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, trump, US OPEN TENNIS 2017, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday September 10, 2017 9:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CNN, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IRMA, JOSE, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PINTEREST, quotes, ROBLOX, scotiabank, TRANSLATE, us open tennis 2017, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday September 17, 2017 11:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IT, JUGGALO, kijiji, lotto max, MOTHER, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, RBC, scotiabank, translate, USD TO CAD, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday September 24, 2017 11:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INVICTUS GAMES, JYSK, KYLIE JENNER, lotto max, MAPS, netflix, olg, pinterest, quotes, RBC ONLINE BANKING, scotiabank, TRAVIS SCOTT, usd to cad, VIA RAIL, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday October 1, 2017 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, jysk, KIJIJI, lotto max, maps, NUIT BLANCHE, olg, PUERTO RICO, quotes, rbc online banking, SHOPPERS DRUG MART, TRUMP, usd to cad, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday October 8, 2017 1:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JAROMIR JAGR, kijiji, LAS VEGAS, maps, NHL SCORES, olg, PINTEREST, quotes, RBC, SCOTIABANK, TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS, usd to cad, VANCOUVER CANUCKS, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday October 15, 2017 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, maps, NETFLIX, olg, pinterest, quotes, rbc, SEARS CANADA, TRANSLATE, usd to cad, VANCOUVER WEATHER, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday October 22, 2017 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JUSTIN BIEBER, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, olg, PIZZA HUT, quotes, RBC ONLINE, sears canada, translate, usd to cad, vancouver weather, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday October 29, 2017 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OLG WINNING NUMBERS, PIZZA HUT, quotes, rbc online, STRANGER THINGS, TRUMP, usd to cad, VALUE VILLAGE, weather, XBOX ONE X, youtube, zara
Sunday November 5, 2017 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OLD NAVY, pizza hut, quotes, rbc online, stranger things, TIME CHANGE 2017 FALL, UFC 217, VANCOUVER CANUCKS, weather, XBOX ONE X, youtube, zara
Sunday November 12, 2017 9:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLACK FRIDAY 2017, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OFFICE 365, pizza hut, quotes, REMEMBRANCE DAY, SEPHORA, TD EASYWEB, USD TO CAD, VIRGIN MOBILE, weather, XBOX ONE X, youtube, ZULILY
Sunday November 19, 2017 12:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, DAVID CASSIDY, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JUSTICE LEAGUE, kijiji, LIL PEEP, MALCOLM YOUNG, netflix, ONTARIO COLLEGE STRIKE, pizza hut, quotes, RBC ONLINE, SANTA CLAUS PARADE, TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS, usd to cad, virgin mobile, weather, xbox one x, youtube, ZIMBABWE
Sunday December 3, 2017 10:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, LOTTO 649, MAPS, netflix, OFFICE 365, PINTEREST, quotes, rbc online, SAOIRSE RONAN, TRUMP, usd to cad, virgin mobile, weather, xbox one x, youtube, ZARA
Sunday December 10, 2017 10:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JERUSALEM, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, MAPS, netflix, office 365, PRINCESS MARGARET, QUEEN ELIZABETH, ROBERT KOCH, STAPLES, TD EASYWEB, usd to cad, VISIONS, weather, XBOX ONE, youtube, zara
Sunday December 17, 2017 5:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BARRY SHERMAN, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, office 365, PINTEREST, queen elizabeth, ROBLOX, STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI, TRUMP, usd to cad, visions, weather, XFL, youtube, ZULILY
Sunday December 24, 2017 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JONAH HILL, kijiji, lotto max, MERRY CHRISTMAS, netflix, OLG WINNING NUMBERS, PIZZA HUT, queen elizabeth, RBC ONLINE, STAPLES, TD EASYWEB, usd to cad, visions, weather, XBOX ONE X, youtube, ZARA
Sunday December 31, 2017 2:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DRIVE BC, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, JUMANJI, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, netflix, OFFICE 365, pizza hut, queen elizabeth, rbc online, staples, td easyweb, UFC 219, visions, weather, xbox one x, youtube, zara
Sunday January 7, 2018 2:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, jumanji, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, queen elizabeth, rbc online, staples, TRUMP, USD TO CAD, visions, weather, xbox one x, youtube, zara
Wow! Been doing this for a whole decade!
Sunday January 14, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JAMES FRANCO, kijiji, lotto max, MATHLETICS, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, QUADRIGACX, RBC, staples, trump, USD TO CAD, visions, weather, xbox one x, youtube, zara
Sunday January 21, 2018 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JAMAICA, kijiji, lotto max, mathletics, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, QUOTES, rbc, staples, trump, UFC 220, visions, weather, xbox one x, youtube, ZION WILLIAMSON
Sunday January 28, 2018 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, mathletics, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, quotes, ROBLOX, staples, TD EASYWEB, USD TO CAD, visions, weather, XFL, youtube, ZARA
Sunday February 4, 2018 10:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, mathletics, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, QUENTIN TARANTINO, roblox, SUPERBOWL 2018, td easyweb, UMA THURMAN, visions, weather, XBOX ONE X, youtube, zara
Sunday February 11, 2018 10:00 am CST, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JETS SCHEDULE, kijiji, lotto max, MARK MCMORRIS, netflix, OLYMPICS 2018, PINTEREST, QUIZLET, roblox, SKIP THE DISHES, TRANSLATE, UFC 221, VALENTINES DAY, weather, XTRAMATH, youtube, zara
Sunday February 18, 2018 10:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLACK PANTHER, canadian tire, DAYTONA 500, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JENNIFER ANISTON, kijiji, lotto max, MATHLETICS, netflix, olympics 2018, pinterest, QUOTES, roblox, skip the dishes, TRUMP, USED REGINA, VISIONS, weather, XBOX ONE X, youtube, ZULILY
Sunday February 25, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, black panther, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, kijiji, lotto max, mathletics, netflix, OLYMPIC MEDAL COUNT, PIZZA HUT, quotes, roblox, SRIDEVI, TSN, USD TO CAD, VERO, weather, XBOX ONE, youtube, zulily
Sunday March 4, 2018 2:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, DAVID OGDEN STIERS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, mathletics, netflix, OSCARS 2018, pizza hut, quotes, RICK ROSS, SKIP THE DISHES, TRUMP, UFC 222, VERONICA, weather, XBOX ONE, youtube, zulily
Sunday March 11, 2018 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS 2018, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JESSICA JONES, kijiji, lotto max, mathletics, netflix, ONTARIO PC LEADERSHIP, PC LEADERSHIP, quotes, ROBLOX, STAPLES, TD EASYWEB, USD TO CAD, veronica, weather, xbox one, youtube, zulily
Sunday March 18, 2018 5:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, LOTTO 649, MIKE MACDONALD, netflix, OFFICE 365, PIZZA HUT, quotes, roblox, ST PATRICK'S DAY, TRUMP, usd to cad, veronica, weather, xbox one, youtube, zulily
Sunday March 25, 2018 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, MAPS, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, quotes, roblox, SKIP THE DISHES, trump, usd to cad, VISIONS, weather, XBOX, youtube, zulily
Sunday April 1, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, EASTER, facebook, google, HOME DEPOT, IKEA, JOSE BAUTISTA, kijiji, lotto max, MATHLETICS, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, QUADRIGACX, READY PLAYER ONE, STAPLES, TD EASYWEB, usd to cad, VAUGHAN MILLS, weather, xbox, youtube, zulily
Sunday April 8, 2018 1:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BRONCOS, CBC NEWS, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, HUMBOLDT BRONCOS, INSTAGRAM, JYSK, kijiji, LOTTO 649, MASTERS 2018, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, QUIET PLACE, ROBLOX, SKIP THE DISHES, TD EASYWEB, UFC 223, VISIONS, weather, xbox, youtube, zulily
Sunday April 15, 2018 2:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BLUE JAYS, CANADIAN TIRE, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, HOTMAIL, instagram, jysk, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, MAPS, NHL, OUTLOOK, pizza hut, quiet place, roblox, skip the dishes, TRANSLATE, USD TO CAD, VOCM, weather, XPLORNET, youtube, ZARA
Sunday April 22, 2018 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, blue jays, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, nhl, outlook, pizza hut, QUEEN ELIZABETH, roblox, skip the dishes, TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS, usd to cad, VERNE TROYER, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday April 29, 2018 6:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
AVENGERS INFINITY WAR, BEST BUY, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INFINITY WAR, jysk, kijiji, LOTTO 649, MICHELLE WOLF, nhl, OFFICE 365, PINTEREST, queen elizabeth, roblox, skip the dishes, TRANSLATE, usd to cad, VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS, weather, xplornet, youtube, ZANDY REICH
Sunday May 6, 2018 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JETS, kijiji, LOTTO MAX, MOTHERS DAY 2018, nhl, office 365, PIZZA HUT, QUOTES, RAPTORS, skip the dishes, translate, usd to cad, VIRGIN MOBILE, weather, xplornet, youtube, ZARA
Sunday May 13, 2018 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DEADPOOL 2, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jets, kijiji, lotto max, MOTHERS DAY, nhl, OLG, PINTEREST, quotes, ROBLOX, skip the dishes, translate, UFC 224, VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday May 20, 2018 3:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, deadpool 2, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JESSICA MULRONEY, kijiji, lotto max, MATHLETICS, nhl, OFFICE 365, PRINCE HARRY, QUEEN ELIZABETH, ROYAL WEDDING, skip the dishes, THE ROYAL WEDDING, USED REGINA, VICTORIA BECKHAM, weather, xplornet, youtube, ZARA PHILIPS
Sunday June 3, 2018 3:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JOHNNY DEPP, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, nhl, ONTARIO ELECTION POLLS, PIZZA HUT, QMJHL DRAFT 2018, ROBLOX, skip the dishes, TRANSLATE, used regina, VEERE DI WEDDING, weather, xplornet, youtube, ZARA
Sunday June 10, 2018 3:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
ANTHONY BOURDAIN, best buy, canadian tire, DOUG FORD, E3, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, MATHLETICS, NETFLIX, OLG, PIZZA HUT, QUOTES, roblox, skip the dishes, translate, UFC 225, VAL KILMER, weather, xplornet, youtube, ZULILY
Sunday June 17, 2018 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, mathletics, netflix, OFFICE 365, pizza hut, quotes, roblox, skip the dishes, translate, US OPEN, VIRGIN MOBILE, WORLD CUP, xplornet, youtube, ZARA
Sunday June 24, 2018 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
AMAZON, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, INCREDIBLES 2, JURASSIC WORLD, kijiji, lotto max, mathletics, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, QUINN HUGHES, ROSE LESLIE, skip the dishes, translate, USD TO CAD, VINNIE PAUL, WORLD CUP, XXXTENTACION DEAD, youtube, ZARA
Sunday July 1, 2018 3:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JOHN TAVARES, kijiji, lotto max, MBAPPE, netflix, office 365, PORTUGAL, QUEENS PLATE, RBC, SMOKE DAWG, TSN, URAGUAY, VIRGIN MOBILE, WEATHER, XPLORNET, youtube, zara
Sunday July 8, 2018 11:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DANIEL CORMIER, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, netflix, office 365, PIZZA HUT, QUOTES, ROBLOX, SKIP THE DISHES, TRANSLATE, UFC 226, virgin mobile, WORLD CUP, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday July 15, 2018 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, quotes, RBC, SERENA WILLIAMS, translate, USD TO CAD, virgin mobile, world cup, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday July 22, 2018 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BRITISH OPEN 2018, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IDIOT, JAMES GUNN, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, quotes, rbc, SKIP THE DISHES, translate, USD TO CAD, virgin mobile, WEATHER, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday July 29, 2018 5:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, canadian tire, DEMI LOVATO, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, quotes, rbc, skip the dishes, translate, UFC, virgin mobile, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 5, 2018 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, office 365, pizza hut, quotes, rbc, SUPERSTORE, translate, UFC 227, VELD, weather, xplornet, youtube, ZOMBIE BOY
Sunday August 12, 201811:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, IKEA, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OUTLOOK, PGA CHAMPIONSHIP, quotes, ROGERS CUP, superstore, translate, USD TO CAD, VIRGIN MOBILE, weather, xplornet, youtube, ZARA
Sunday August 19, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DISENCHANTMENT, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OFFICE 365, PIZZA HUT, quotes, RBC, SKIP THE DISHES, translate, usd to cad, virgin mobile, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday August 26, 2018 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JOHN MCCAIN, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OUTLOOK, pizza hut, quotes, rbc, skip the dishes, TRUMP, UFC, virgin mobile, weather, xplornet, youtube, ZULILY
Sunday September 2, 2018 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, john mccain, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, outlook, pizza hut, quotes, rbc, STAPLES, trump, US OPEN TENNIS 2018, virgin mobile, weather, X MEN APOCALYPSE, youtube, zulily
Sunday September 9, 2018 11:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, ikea, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, MAC MILLER, netflix, outlook, pizza hut, QUERCUS, ROBLOX, SERENA WILLIAMS, trump, UFC 228, virgin mobile, weather, XPLORNET, youtube, ZARA
Sunday September 16, 2018 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, donald trump, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, NFL, outlook, PINTEREST, quercus, RBC, STAPLES, TRANSLATE, USD TO CAD, virgin mobile, weather, X MEN APOCALYPSE, youtube, zara
Sunday September 23, 2018 6:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CFL STANDINGS, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, HIGHWAY HOTLINE, INSTAGRAM, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, NETFLIX, outlook, PIZZA HUT, QUOTES, rbc, SKIP THE DISHES, translate, usd to cad, VISIONS, weather, XPLORNET, youtube, zara
Sunday September 30, 2018 2:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, cfl standings, dominos, ELON MUSK, facebook, google, HOTMAIL, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, OILERS, pizza hut, QUINCY JONES, RYDER CUP, skip the dishes, translate, usd to cad, VENOM, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday October 7, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BANKSY, CONOR MCGREGOR, DILLON DANIS, EDMONTON OILERS, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, MCGREGOR VS KHABIB, NHL SCORES, oilers, PUMPKIN PIE RECIPE, QUOTES, RBC, SUPERSTORE, translate, UFC 229, venom, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday October 14, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, CFL STANDINGS, DOMINOS, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, nhl scores, OFFICE 365, PIZZA HUT, QCM, RBC, SPORT CHEK, translate, USD TO CAD, VISIONS, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday October 21, 2018 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CANADIAN TIRE, DONALD TRUMP, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, NFL, office 365, PINTEREST, QVC, rbc, sport chek, translate, usd to cad, VALUE VILLAGE, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday October 28, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, CFL STANDINGS, DOMINOS, EDMONTON OILERS, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, MLB, NHL, office 365, PITTSBURG, QCM, rbc, SKIP THE DISHES, translate, UFC, value village, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday November 4, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY, CFL, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS 2018, edmonton oilers, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, nhl, office 365, PIZZA HUT, QUEEN, rbc, SPORT CHEK, TIME CHANGE, UFC 230, VISIONS, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday November 11, 2018 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, BEST BUY, CANADIAN TIRE, DETECTIVE PIKACHU, EBAY, facebook, GMAIL, hotmail, instagram, JADEN SMITH, kijiji, lotto max, maps, NETFLIX, office 365, PINTEREST, QUEEN, rbc, STAN LEE DEAD, TRANSLATE, USD TO CAD, visions, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday November 18, 2018 11:00 pm CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, EDMONTON OILERS, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, MARKS WORK WAREHOUSE, NHL, office 365, PIZZA HUT, queen, rbc, SPORT CHEK, translate, usd to cad, visions, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday November 25, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, EBAY, facebook, GREY CUP 2018, hotmail, IKEA, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, nhl, office 365, pizza hut, queen, rbc, sport chek, TOYS R US, URBAN PLANET, VANIER CUP 2018, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday December 2, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, EDMONTON OILERS, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, nhl, office 365, PRIYANKA CHOPRA, queen, rbc, sport chek, TSN, UFC, VISIONS, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday December 16, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JASON MOMOA, kijiji, lotto max, maps, nhl, office 365, PETE DAVIDSON, queen, rbc, SUPERSTORE, TOYS R US, ufc, visions, WALMART, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday December 23, 2018 11:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOLLARAMA, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jason mamoa, kijiji, lotto max, maps, nhl, office 365, PINTEREST, queen, rbc, superstore, toys r us, USD TO CAD, visions, walmart, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday December 30, 2018 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, GOOGLE DOCS, hotmail, IKEA, JON JONES, kijiji, lotto max, MATHLETICS, NHL SCORES, office 365, PIZZA HUT, queen, RONA, superstore, THE BRICK, UFC 232, visions, walmart, XBOX, youtube, zara
Sunday January 6, 2019 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DRAKE, ebay, facebook, GOOGLE, hotmail, ikea, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, mathletics, NFL, office 365, PINTEREST, QUEEN ELIZABETH, R KELLY, SURVIVING R KELLY, TRANSLATE, USD TO CAD, visions, walmart, XPLORNET, youtube, zara
Sunday January 13, 2019 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, DOMINOS, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, INSTAGRAM, JAMES CHARLES, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, nfl, office 365, PIZZA HUT, QUEEN, RBC, SPORT CHEK, TRUMP, usd to cad, visions, walmart, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday January 20, 2019 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JYSK, kijiji, lotto max, maps, NETFLIX, office 365, PACQUIAO VS BONER, queen, rbc, sport chek, TRANSLATE, UFC, visions, WEATHER, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday January 28, 2019 7:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, ebay, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, maps, netflix, office 365, PIZZA HUT, queen, RBC ONLINE, SUPERSTORE, TED BUNDY, USD TO CAD, visions, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday February 10, 2019 8:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, EDMONTON OILERS, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, jysk, kijiji, lotto max, MATHLETICS, NHL SCORES, office 365, pizza hut, queen, rbc online, superstore, TRANSLATE, UFC 234, visions, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Sunday March 17, 2019 4:00 am CST, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
amazon, best buy, canadian tire, dominos, EBAY, facebook, google, hotmail, instagram, JOE FAFARD, kijiji, lotto max, MAPS, nhl scores, office 365, pizza hut, queen, rbc online, ST PATRICK'S DAY, translate, UFC, visions, weather, xplornet, youtube, zara
Imagining the Tenth Dimension is all about thinking about the really big picture versions of our reality. After ten years, google has become such a part of our lives that it can be hard to remember what it was like not to have such a powerful tool at our disposal. That's what my next blog entry will explore in more detail.
Enjoy the journey,
Rob Bryanton
PS - After posting this idea at the tenthdimension forum, regular contributor Evelond Formos pointed out that Google offers an "experimental lab" where you can try out different modifications to the way Google works. The link to a window where Google Suggestions appear directly in the Google search window can be found here.
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
10:54 AM
Labels: Googleverse, memes