A direct link to the above video is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzGBDBEx_pINot long ago the amazingly energetic Dr. Mark Filippi of somaspace.org invited me to attend the 2010 Coherence Conference, which took place at the University of Bridgeport in October 2010. Unfortunately, my schedule didn't allow me to participate, but there were four basic questions Dr. Mark asked everyone to consider prior to the conference, and I'd like to share my responses with you now. This conference focused on the burgeoning field of "Health 2.0", and brought together a wide range of speakers from various disciplines to discuss the importance of coherence as it relates to people's well-being. Since I'm not a health professional, I'm sure there would have been a lot of eye-opening discussions for me, but I'm also sure that my own approach would have added some new ideas to the discussion.
I'm particularly interested in the idea that our reality is shifting as people become more and more connected to each other: definitely a coherence-related concept! Here's the questions that Dr. Mark, as chair of the event, asked all participants to respond to:
1. Define coherence in your terms
Here's how I first learned about the concept of coherence: our reality is constructed through constructive interference from a fifth dimensional probability space, which contains a wave function which can be thought of as the constantly evolving map of possible pasts and futures that connect each of us to our current "now". Those past and future paths are "coherent" with our current now, while the pasts and futures of the universe that are logically/causally incompatible are "decoherent".
Coherence, then, connects us to the multiverse as per Everett's Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Speaking philosophically, coherence as a goal is finding ways for each of us to better connect to the preferred versions of the universe that already exist within the underlying patterns of timelessness which, to avoid confusion with the multiple definitions of the word "multiverse", I've come to prefer to refer to as the "omniverse".
My project, Imagining the Tenth Dimension, has been an ongoing exploration of how we fit into these underlying patterns. I recently posted a video to YouTube called "Strength of Gravity, Speed of Light" which shows one example of how my project is about trying to find the common meeting ground between physics and philosophy, between science and spirituality.A recent blog entry which goes even further out on a limb with these ideas is called "Love and Gravity". In that one I look at what would more commonly be called "new age" phrases and relate them to my approach to visualizing the extra spatial dimensions our reality comes from. Those phrases are:
The universe loves you.
Your body's natural inclination is to want to heal, to want to thrive.
There are forces outside of our reality which are trying to move us towards a better future.
2. What are the key applications of your definition?
Understanding how each of us is at the center of our own unique version of the universe gives us a way of understanding our connectedness to the reality we are observing, and our connectedness to others we are interacting with as that reality is being observed. We each have more power than twentieth century science has traditionally taught us to believe, and the new science of epigenetics is a prime example of that. Who would have believed twenty years ago that studies could prove that changes in diet, lifestyle, and attitude can change which genes are expressed, and even influence what genes we pass on to our offspring? A YouTube video I posted at the end of August called "Placebos Becoming More Effective?" relates to this discussion.
3. What do you see as the major impact of your application within your field?
I am a generalist, interested in exploring the common meeting ground between ancient spirituality and modern science. I'm always careful to point out that I'm not a physicist and I'm not pretending to be one, but my visual approach to understanding the ten spatial dimensions (plus one of time, but since I agree with the many physicists who say that ultimately "time is an illusion" I prefer not to count it as a dimension) that our reality comes from has fired the imaginations of millions of people around the world.
4. What do you see as the major impact of your application outside your field?
"Outside my field"? Since I'm a generalist, that term's a bit hard to define. For persons who insist that spirituality has no place in science, or religious fundamentalists who say that science is delusion, or hard determinists who say free will is an illusion, my project will not likely convince them to change the conclusions they've already reached. Other than that it's difficult to pin down exactly what the phrase "outside my field" would mean, since the main goal of my project is to find ways to be as inclusive as possible in discussing where our reality comes from, and the significance of our individual roles as participants in that process.
For more about how my idea of our reality coming from a fifth dimensional probability space is receiving more mainstream consideration this year, please watch my video for "The 5th Dimensional Camera Project".
I've titled this entry "Global Coherence". Here's a link to a description of "The Global Coherence Initiative", something that Jack Canfield (famed author of the enormously popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series) describes as "perhaps the greatest experiment in the history of the world". Is the world changing for the better as more and more people become connected to each other, embracing the possibilities of shared intention? Check out the link if you'd like to know more.
And as I always like to say, enjoy the journey!
Rob Bryanton
Next: Thinking Bigger
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