Previous lists:
. April 08 . May 08 . June 08 . July 08 . August 08
. September 08 . October 08 . November 08 . December 08 .
. Top 100 Blog Entries of 2008 . May 09 . June 09 . July 09
. August 09 . September 09 . October 09 . November 09 .
. December 09 . Top 100 Blog Entries of 2009 .
. January 10 . February 10 . March 10 . April 10 . May 10 .
Based upon number of views, here are the top blogs for the last thirty days. As always, the number in brackets is the entry's position in the previous month's report.
1. The 5th-Dimensional Camera Project (3)
2. Entangled Neurons (new)
3. Entangled Awareness and OBEs (new)
4. Changing Reality (new)
5. Three Becomes One (new)
6. Poll 61-64 - Gravity and Free Will (new)
7. Gravity and Entrainment (new)
8. Holodynamics (new)
9. Video - The Secret Powers of Time (new)
10. Video - Polls 45 to 52 (new)
And as of June 26th, 2010, here are the twenty-six Imagining the Tenth Dimension blog entries that have attracted the most visits of all time. Items marked in bold are new or have risen since last month.
1. Jumping Jesus (1)
2. What's Around the Corner? (3)
3. Creativity and the Quantum Universe (2)
4. Mandelbulbs (4)
5. An Expanding 4D Sphere (5)
6. Just Six Things: The I Ching (6)
7. Roger Ebert on Quantum Reincarnation (7)
8. Augmented Reality (8)
9. Poll 44 - The Biocentric Universe Theory (9)
10. The Holographic Universe (10)
11. Slices of Reality (11)
12. Poll 43 - Is the Multiverse Real? (12)
13. Alien Mathematics (13)
14. Seeing Time, Feeling Colors, Tasting Light (14)
15. How to Time Travel (18)
16. When's a Knot Not a Knot? (15)
17. The Quantum Solution to Time's Arrow (16)
18. Monkeys Love Metallica (20)
19. Beer and Miracles (19)
20. Consciousness in Frames per Second (22)
21. The Big Bang is an Illusion (17)
22. Poll 46 - Big Bang an Illusion? (21)
23. Dancing on the Timeline (25)
24. Norway's Reverse Deja Vu (24)
25. Poll 54 - Is Time Moving Faster? (new)
26. Urban Garden Magazine (23)
Which means that this worthy submission is leaving our top 26 of all time list this month:
Polls Archive 45 - Conscious Computers? (26)
By the way, if you're new to this project, you might want to check out the Tenth Dimension FAQ, as it provides a road map to a lot of the discussions and different materials that have been created for this project. If you are interested in the 26 songs attached to this project, this blog shows a video for each of the songs and provides more links with lyrics and discussion. The Annotated Tenth Dimension Video provides another cornucopia of discussion topics to be connected to over at YouTube. And as always, here's a reminder that the Tenth Dimension Forum is a good place to converse with other people about these ideas.
Enjoy the journey!
Rob Bryanton
Next: Love and Gravity
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- conceptual framing
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- o is for omniverse
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- tenth dimension
- The Singularity
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- vibrations
- visualizations
Monday, June 28, 2010
Top Ten Tenth Dimension Blogs - June Report
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
1:39 AM
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Just Six Things
A direct link to the above video is at

What if there were only six vectors needed to describe every aspect of our universe in its current state, and every possible version of our universe from its very beginning to its ultimate end? Last month, in Three Becomes One, we returned to the idea that all six dimensions become a "point" -- indicating a position within the multiverse landscape -- in the seventh dimension and above with my approach to visualizing the extra dimensions, and that's why the fine structure constant and basic physical laws stay locked in and unchanging for our particular universe. Last entry, in Are Bees More Sixth-Dimensional, we took a look at a variety of ideas related to six-sided shapes, six dimensions, and the mind-blowing theory that honey bees are using sixth-dimensional geometry to communicate the positions of new food sources to each other.
Six has been an important number to this project since its inception. In fact, back in 2006 I bought the domain name, because I was thinking that might be a good name for my next book. I also bought and because they were available and seemed like possibly useful variations. was taken though, and as I mentioned last time, that's the new website that I'd like to talk about in today's entry.
The six degrees of separation concept is interesting in the way it ties into our discussions of connectedness and the nature of reality, but it has other uses as well: many different projects have found ways to use this idea as their launching pad. For instance, was an early social networking site that ran from 1997 to 2001, and at the peak of its popularity it had one million registered users. Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a trivia game that suggests no matter what actor you name, you should be able to use six steps or less to find a connection to Kevin Bacon. In 2007 Kevin Bacon started a charitable giving site called to show how this concept can be used to make people's lives better.

6things you like in 6 minutes Everyday.... 6things is a relevance engine, that is a perfect solution for information overload, without losing time. is a non-linear innovation, in that it
* Provides 6things you like from 6,844,647 things
* Eliminates the need to maintain yet another account
* Improves signal-to-noise ratio by deducing your 'micro-interests'
* Reduces wasted time by kicking you off in 6 minutes
Even if the user did not share enough content, no worries. Simply press on one of the 6 Buttons up on top, that captures your interest.Passively discover curators with similar taste, without actively searching for them. Our Algorithms computes the 'taste distance' between you and others based on 'micro-interests'.
Passively consume real-time content that is your current object of attention, without actively searching for 6,844,647 things. Our Machine Learning Algorithm extracts your 'micro-interests' from your shared content.
You don't have to remember yet another password or have to signup. The product can be accessed from
Here's three twitter feeds for you: 6things (the project's feed), vasusrini (creator of the project), and samdida (co-creator and designer). I've not heard the term "relevance engine" before, but I do like the concept. Stumbleupon, for instance, could be thought of as a user-driven relevance engine, and that service continues to be one of the most popular ways for people to find my 11-minute animation about the ten dimensions. Likewise, I've talked a number of times about web 3.0 pioneer Nova Spivack and his brainchild, which uses a combination of user recommendations and the semantic web to filter out the signal from the noise for people trying to deal with The Stream. "The Stream" is what Mr. Spivack calls the oncoming deluge of information we're all having to deal with more and more each day.
In the early months of this blog (back in 2007) I was using the phrase "conceptual framing" a lot, which relates to these discussions. We tend to think in frames, we don't do so well imagining an atom and a galaxy at the same time, but if we take ideas one step at a time, one frame of reference connected to the next, we find it easier to process. Will achieve its goal of providing relevant new links in an extremely timely manner? The project is just in beta right now, but it seems like a great idea and I look forward to watching them grow.
Here are six other past blogs where I've talked about the "Just Six Things" concept and the importance of the number six:
Just Six Things: The I Ching
E8 and the Semantic Web
What's Around the Corner?
The Statistical Universe
Alien Mathematics
Time in 3 Dimensions
Enjoy the journey!
Rob Bryanton
Next: Love and Gravity
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
1:39 AM
Labels: conceptual framing, six, The Stream
Monday, June 21, 2010
Are bees more sixth dimensional?
A direct link to the above video is at is an interesting number that we haven't talked about as much recently with this project. Coincidentally, last week we looked at Philip Zimbardo's The Secret Powers of Time, where he suggested that there are six possible ways for people to interface with time: awareness tends to be oriented towards positive or negative versions of past, present, or future.
With my approach to visualizing the dimensions, our universe has six dimensions to express all possible versions of itself, and all of that becomes a single "point" in the seventh dimension: we looked at this most recently in "Our Universe as a Point". A couple of years ago here at the Imagining the Tenth Dimension blog, in an entry called Time is a Direction, I had this to say about the number six:

"Do a google search on the words 'six directions' and you will see how deeply embedded that concept is into various spiritual/metaphysical systems. Do a google search on 'six dimensions' and you will find an interesting mix of musings about business/social connections (the six degrees of separation concept), geometry/physics, and other discussions about the nature of reality from the viewpoint of ancient spiritual systems."

As you'll see if you spend some time examining the different patterns shown above, the idea of triangles being pushed apart from a central point into a symmetrical pattern from which other shapes emerge can be seen time and again in these images, and of course all of this is old hat to fans of sacred geometry.

First of all, one of the most obvious ones: the hexagons of a beehive's honeycomb. Then, the six-sided scutes of a turtle's carapace.

Hexagons also appear in snowflakes, and even at the molecular level in various compounds.
In Are Animals and Kids More Fifth-Dimensional?, we discussed something that can be connected to The 5th-Dimensional Camera Project, which is a more recent entry looking at one of the central ideas to my project which has now received some support from scientists at Oxford University: the fifth dimension can be thought of as our probability space. The wave function of potential pasts and futures that connect to our "now" is a pattern in the fifth dimension which we are potentially connected to through chance and choice, Everett's Many Worlds.
Being able to see fifth-dimensionally, then, would be to see all the possible world lines that are causally connected to a particular instant of our spacetime universe. And someone who is more connected to the past and future through intuition, inspiration, creativity, deja vu, clairvoyance, and so on, could be said to have a more fifth-dimensional awareness.
Seeing sixth-dimensionally, on the other hand, would be seeing all the possible versions of the universe you are within, including the versions that are not causally connected - like the one where you pop out of existence here and reappear on the moon, or the one where it's 2010 and Michael Jackson is still alive. The sixth dimension is the complete Quantum Field for our unique universe, including those outcomes which we acknowledge must exist as possible versions, but which would take longer than the existence of the universe for us to observe. Can any living creatures see sixth-dimensionally?
Here's an article sent to me by my friend Ian Reclusado of the always interesting blog Reclusland. The article is called Honeybees are Found to Interact with Quantum Fields.
In this article, we see a fascinating theory proposed by Barbara Shipman, a mathematician at the University of Rochester. Dr. Shipman analyzed the complex dance patterns bees use to indicate the position of new sources of food to each other. She discovered that the geometric patterns the bees use in the dance made sense if they were analyzed using a "sixth dimensional flag manifold", an analysis method also useful in solving some of the mathematical problems that arise in dealing with quarks. Please read the entire article, it presents some amazing insights.
According to many sources there are now 30% less honeybees in the world than there were in 2006. Are bees more sixth-dimensional? Perhaps they are. Why, then, have bees been disappearing from our planet in record numbers for the last four years? That's an intriguing question, and the subject of a number of books that have come out in the last year, including Fruitless Fall, The Hive Detectives, and A World Without Bees. Are bees our sixth-dimensional canaries in a coalmine, warning us about environmental catastrophes that we need to avoid, and that in some sixth-dimensional versions of our universe, have already not avoided?
We'll continue this exploration next time as we talk about a new company exploring the world of connected ideas, who are using a honeybee as their logo: .
Enjoy the journey,
Rob Bryanton
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
1:39 AM
Labels: many worlds, probability space, sacred geometry, six
Friday, June 18, 2010
Video - Rob on Bigfish Radio
A direct link to the above video is at
On May 26 2010, I was a guest on Kerrace Alexander's "Bigfish Radio", which you can listen to at Kerrace's weekly show goes out live with telephone call-ins and chat room participation, and is then archived for listening any time you want.
Here's a quote from her bio:
"Kerrace Alexander is an inspirational speaker, facilitator, and creator of The RippleFX Manifestation System, a unique and powerful perspective on how the Law of Attraction works."
To find out more about Kerrace's work, follow her at or on her blog,
The above video is an edited version of our show, to hear all 90 minutes go to
Thanks for the great interview, Kerrace! Some recent blogs that tie to the ideas we discussed in this interview include:
Changing Reality
Gravity and Entrainment
Gravity and Free Will
Entangled Awareness and OBEs
Entangled Neurons
The 5th Dimensional Camera Project
Enjoy the journey!
Rob Bryanton
Next: Are Bees More Sixth-Dimensional?
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
1:00 AM
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Video - The Secret Powers of Time
We talked about Dr. Philip Zimbardo in previous blog entries like The Time Paradox, Now vs. the Future, and Changing Reality. Here's a new video, based upon a talk given by Professor Zimbardo, rendered with a simple and creative animation style that I think everyone should watch. Great stuff!
A direct link to this video is at
Enjoy the journey,
Rob Bryanton
Next: Rob on Bigfish Radio
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
1:04 AM
Labels: Philip Zimbardo
Monday, June 14, 2010
Video - Polls 45 to 52
A direct link to the above video is at
Coming up next: The Secret Powers of Time
Enjoy the journey,
Rob Bryanton
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
1:07 AM
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Ever hear of...
Ever hear of Dr. Vernon Woolf and Holodynamics? Here's a quote from the Holodynamics website:
Clearly, Dr. Woolf is pursuing many ideas which easily connect to the paths we've been exploring with Imagining the Tenth Dimension. He makes some very bold claims in the following video about what he has already done to change the world using his approach to understanding the nature of reality: as the Conscious Media Network's Regina Merideth says in her introduction to the following video, "Vernon Woolf is a man who is here to change the world, and he has repeatedly put his money and his time where his mouth is. His work helped transform the Soviet Union from a cold war culture to a peace-time culture. He stands beside Palestinians and Israelis and helps them come face to face... and transform their hatred of one another into respect, and even love. Meanwhile, he helps the rest of us find our true fullest potential from within our multi-dimensional mind and spirit."We live in a conscious universe where everything is connected and every situation is driven by potential. Every person has a Full Potential Self, the "I" that is connected to hyperspace, and serves as the source of character and meaning to every experience. Holodynamics is the study of the whole dynamic of life and includes every aspect of understanding life - including tools to transform your life, positively affect your relationships, your work, your love life, and in a larger sense the global environment.
Holodynamics views reality as a coherent, dynamic, living, holographic information system whose structure, from micro (smallness) to macro (bigness) is intimately connected with human consciousness. Consciousness is considered a prime condition of the holodynamic universe. It is not limited to a single space-time continuum but emerges from parallel dimensions into a coherent potential for each individual (the fully potentialized self).
Ever hear of...
Ever hear of the Quackometer? Developed by Andy Lewis, it's a semi-serious web page that asks you to input the URL for any sites you're wondering about, then analyzes the page for suspicious phrases that might indicate pseudo-science. Looking at the above descriptions, a skeptic might jump to the conclusion that Holodynamics is "using scientific jargon to bamboozle" as the Quackometer site sometimes says about a web page. However, Dr. Vernon Woolf, Ph.D., does have a diverse background from serious science, and holds degrees in Physics, Religious Studies, and Developmental Therapy.
This video is 54 minutes long but I think it's worth watching, there's some very thought-provoking ideas presented here, and Dr. Woolf has lived an amazing life!
A direct link to this video is at
I find it astonishing that he has achieved as much as he has, and yet he's not a household name. I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts on this fascinating personality.
Enjoy the journey!
Next: Video - Polls 45 to 52
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
1:41 AM
Labels: holodynamics, holographic universe
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Gravity and Entrainment
A direct link to the above video is at
A direct link to the above video is at
Regular readers of my blog will know that I was interviewed by Kelly Howell for her popular show Theatre of the Mind a few weeks ago. If you haven't listened to the show yet, I've posted all 53 minutes to YouTube now, and the video is posted above if you want to give it a listen.
Kelly's company, Brain Sync, specializes in self-help recordings, which use a form of bio-feedback known as brainwave entrainment to enhance their effectiveness. Here's some of what I said about entrainment in my book:
Entrainment can occur in two ways, then. In one the "source" and the "target" become phase aligned - when the wave is "positive" in one, it's the same in the other. With the other the polarity is reversed: when the wave is "positive" in the source, it's "negative" in the target, and vice versa. This is what Christopher Huygens encountered with his clock pendulums - they moved into perfect synchrony, but in opposing polarity.This effect was first noted in 1665 by Dutch scientist Christian Huygens, who (amongst numerous other innovations) invented the pendulum clock. He made the surprising discovery that his clocks tend to fall into exact synchrony when placed close to each other. The effect disappears if the clocks are at right angles to each other or are separated by more than six feet. He found that when they are side by side, within an hour or so the pendulums will have begun to swing in exact opposition to each other, like two hands clapping, and will tend to stay in sync thereafter. After some mystification, Huygens proved that this mysterious effect was the result of tiny vibrations being communicated from one clock to the other through the wood beams the clocks were hanging from, or the surface the clocks were sitting on.Entrainment is used in “brain machines” which use flashing lights and/or rhythmic sound to influence brainwave patterns: the process of entrainment will cause the subject’s brainwave patterns to be influenced, drawing the mind into states that are more desired. Entrainment of brain waves is not always a desired effect though. One of the most famous examples of entrainment with negative results occurred in Japan on December 16 1997, when a particularly extreme sequence of flashing visual effects in an episode of the cartoon series “Pokemon” triggered seizures in children across the country, sending 600 to the hospital. The impact of the effect was probably heightened by the Japanese culture’s tendency towards smaller rooms and larger televisions, so when the flashing effects occurred a substantial portion of a stricken child’s field of vision was probably filled, causing the disruption of brainwave patterns into undesired patterns to be that much more intense.

Still, it's worth noting that if those two waveforms were mixed together at equal volume, the result would be silence: they would cancel each other out, much the same way as we keep describing how the "outside the system" that occurs both before and after our universe could contain all those potential waveforms and patterns of the omniverse, but by itself appear as nothingness.
On the other hand, let's suppose that these two waveforms were tracking two opposing political ideologies over centuries rather than the few milliseconds of violin they actually represent: we could see that when one waveform is near the top the other is near the other extreme, while at the times when one waveform is near the center so is the other.
How does entrainment tie in with gravity? Let's return to the idea that physicists tell us gravity is the only force which exerts itself across the extra dimensions. If two waveforms are near each other in frequency, thinking of them from "outside" of spacetime allows us to visualize how one could be attracted to another, or end up in an "opposing" orbit as we would see with the above two waveforms that move in opposition to one another. In Three Becomes One, we looked at such dualities and their implications in more detail.
With some forms of entrainment, both patterns are attracted to a mid-point - with the Huygens pendulum clocks, one clock might slow down slightly while the other speeds up slightly until both are aligned. In the case of a brainwave entrainment recording, the brain must align itself with the pre-recorded sound - it becomes the "receiver" while the recording has the role of "transmitter". In my book I took these concepts out into more metaphysical discussions:
People who pray for the health of another, or who promise to send “positive vibes” towards their fellow human beings could really be exacting change through their role as quantum observers. All of us are both transmitters and receivers for these vibrations, though clearly some of us have much stronger capacities in one ability over the other. In physics, this process is known as “entrainment”, where vibrations from one source can cause other vibrating entities to fall into step with them. Charismatic speakers who can sway a room with their words are clearly transmitting something strong which we could say bends the consensus reality of that group towards a new fifth-dimensional path. And some people are able to transmit feelings and auras without saying a word, whether that be good or bad. Have you found that just being in the same room as a certain person makes you feel edgy, or depressed? Perhaps, then, you are a person who is more of a receiver than a transmitter, and therefore the spiritual vibrations of others are more likely to affect you. Some strongly gifted receivers use their empathetic skills to become doctors, health care professionals, even psychics or healers. Some of these concepts are explored in the Steven Strogatz book "Sync".
To close, here's a video for one of the 26 songs I wrote for this project. This one is sung by my old buddy Ron Scott, and it's called "Positive Vibes".
A direct link to the above video is at
Enjoy the journey!
Rob Bryanton
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
12:12 AM
Labels: entrainment, many worlds, vibrations
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Poll 61-64 - Gravity and Free Will
A direct link to the above video is at 61: "Gravitons will never be observed because they don't exist." Poll ended April 2 2010. This one was a dead heat, split perfectly between agreeing and disagreeing. This question relates back to Our Universe within the Omniverse, Holograms and Quanta, and More Slices of Reality; three of the blog entries where we looked at a new theory by Dr. Erik Verlinde of the University of Amsterdam which suggests that just as there are no "liquidons" imparting the quality of liquidity to water, gravity is something that arises naturally from our position within the information that becomes reality: there are no gravitons, according to Dr. Verlinde, and that idea appeals to me as well.
Poll 62 - "Within the multiverse landscape, it will eventually be proved that there are only two basic organizing patterns which need to be locked in to create a universe such as ours: the strength of gravity, and the speed of light." Poll ended April 17th 2010. 38.2% agreed, while the remaining 61.8% disagreed.
This idea of mine, which we looked at in more detail in Strength of Gravity, Speed of Light, is not something you will currently be taught in a university physics class so it's not surprising to see more people disagreeing than agreeing. In light of Dr. Verlinde's theory, though, I am drawn more and more to this being the simple underlying truth: if gravity is defined not by particles but by our position within the multiverse landscape, and is the naturally arising quality which says how much things are drawn together, then the speed of light is what keeps them from collapsing back into the symmetry that exists "before" and "after" our universe. Hence, our next poll question:Poll 63 - "The speed of light is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once." Poll ended May 3 2010. 63.6% agreed, and 36.4% disagreed.
What do you think, should I be selling t-shirts with this as my new quotable quote? This was a phrase I came up with in Strength of Gravity, Speed of Light. It's fascinating to see how many people accepted this intuitive leap while the corresponding "gravitons don't exist" idea didn't fare so well in these polls. The idea that our reality is not continuous, but instead is divided into planck-length-sized "frames" is central not just to this project but to Holographic Universe theories we've looked at before: our spacetime universe is created by constructive interference at the fifth dimension, and the planck length's intimate connection to the speed of light is part of what makes one universe within the multiverse unique from another. Tying this back to the previous poll, then, gravity is what draws things together, while the speed of light is what keeps these frames pushed apart for the duration of our universe.Poll 64 - "If you don't believe there's such a thing as free will, then there's no need for you to believe in extra dimensions beyond spacetime". Poll ended May 18 2010. 43.5% said "I agree", 19.1% said "I disagree", and the remaining 37.4% said "the two concepts are unrelated".
As we discussed in recent entries like The 5th-Dimensional Camera Project, Entangled Neurons, and Changing Reality, my concept of our spacetime reality coming from a fifth-dimensional probability space was recently presented to scientists at Oxford by Jon Ardern and Anab Jain. Wonderful news! The acceptance for this project keeps moving forward, and I'm grateful to people like Jon and Anab who are helping to make that happen.
But we're still mid-journey at this point, as this poll question shows. 37% of the visitors to this forum were not willing to accept the premise that the dimensions beyond our 4D spacetime are where we can much more easily make sense of quantum superposition, Everett's Many Worlds, and the spacetime tree of possible outcomes each of us are choosing from moment to moment with our free will. As I've said before, if you believe in the hard determinist viewpoint that everything is an inevitable set of outcomes that were set in motion like a giant clockwork mechanism at the big bang, and that any individual feelings of "choice" are an illusion as inevitable chemical reactions take place in our brains, then I can understand why you believe that the four dimensions of spacetime are all that there is.
Which takes us to the picture which started this blog entry. Are you and I robots, computers running a program that makes us think we have free will but that free will is an illusion? Or are we more like androids, processing the incoming data, formulating responses, consciously and actively engaged in the spacetime tree of our reality at the fifth dimension and beyond? I know what my answer to that question is, for sure.
But if gravity is a force that exists across all dimensions, how does that affect the choices we make and the outcomes we observe? We'll continue this discussion next time, with Gravity and Entrainment.
Enjoy the journey,
Rob Bryanton
Posted by
Rob Bryanton
1:37 AM
Labels: determinism, fifth dimension, free will, gravitons